Sabtu, 26 September 2009


This article will describe the various of peoples, that is the peoples who believe, who reject faith, and who do not really believe. God (Allah) said about the peoples who believe, when God said about The Holy Qur'an.
God said, "This is the Book (The Holy Qur'an); in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear God. Who believe in the unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what God have provided for them. And who believe in the Revelation (The Holy Qur'an) sent them, and sent before they time, and in their hearts have the assurance of the hereafter. They are on true guidance from their God, and they are will prosper" (Qur'an, 2:2-5).
Meanwhile, the peoples who reject faith have character that it is the same to them, whether you (moslem) warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe. God has set a seal on their hearts, and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil. God also said, that there is a great punishment for them.
On the other side, on this era many peoples who do not really believe live in the world. They say, "We believe in God (Allah) and the last day", but they do not really believe. Fain would they deceive God and those who believe, but they only deceive themselves, and realize it not. In their hearts is a disease, and God has increased their disease, and they shall have a painful, because they are false to themselves.
When moslem said to them, "Make not mischief on the earth," they say, "Why, we only want to make peace!" Of a surety, they are the ones who make mischief, but they realize it not. When moslem said to them, "Believe as the other believe, " they say, "Shall we believe as the fools believe?" Nay, of a surety they are fools, but they do not know.
When they (the peoples who do not really believe) meet those who believe, they say, "We believe, " but when they are alone with their evil ones, they say, "We are really with you. We were only jesting." God will throw back their mockery on them, and give them rope in their trespasses, so they will wander like blind ones. These are they who have bartered guidance for error, but their traffic is profitless, and they have lost true direction.
Their similitude is that of a man who kindled a fire. When it lighted all around them, God took away their light and left them in utter darkness. So they could not see. They deaf, dumb, and blind, and they will not return to the path.
Another their similitude is that of a rain-laden cloud from the sky. In it are zones of darkness, and thunder and lightning. They press their fingers in their ears to keep out the stunning thunder-clap, the while they are in terror of death. The lightning all but snatches away their sight, every time the light helps them, they walk therein, and when the darkness grows on them, they stand still.

Jumat, 25 September 2009


Allah SWT membuat pernyataan tegas dalam Al Qur'an, khususnya QS.30:8-10, yang intinya bahwa para penentang Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, dan para penentang ajaran yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah Muhammad SAW akan mengalami kehancuran, sebagaimana halnya para penentang Rasul-Rasul Allah SWT di masa lampau. Jika saat ini para penentang nampak menikmati keberhasilan dan kesuksesan, sesungguhnya mereka sedang menghimpun kehancurannya sedikit demi sedikit. Penderitaan muslim di Afghanistan, Iraq, dan Palestina akibat penjajahan dan perampokan tanah mereka oleh Pemerintah Amerika Serikat, NATO, dan Israel, tidak akan pernah tak berbayar. Pada saatnya kelak, masing-masing individu yang terlibat dalam pendzaliman terhadap muslim, akan dimintai pertanggungan-jawab oleh Allah SWT, baik di dunia maupun di akherat.
Para penentang ini tidak pernah memikirkan tentang kejadian diri mereka. Seolah mereka tidak tahu, bahwa Allah SWT menciptakan langit dan bumi serta seluruh isi yang ada di antara dan pada keduanya, dengan tujuan yang benar dan pada waktu yang telah ditentukan. Para penentang ini telah berjalan di banyak tempat di permukaan bumi, dan sebagian sangat kecil ruang angkasa, tetapi mereka tetap tidak mengenal Tuhannya. Mereka mengetahui kesudahan orang-orang yang dzalim di masa lalu, tetapi mereka sangat gemar mempraktekkan kedzaliman.
Mereka mengetahui bahwa orang-orang dzalim di masa lalu juga memiliki kekuatan sebagaimana mereka sekarang, tetapi bukankah orang-orang dzalim itu mengalami kehancuran. Telah datang kepada para penentang ini seorang Rasul, yaitu Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, tetapi mereka meremehkan dan mengabaikan ajarannya (nilai-nilai Islam). Oleh sebab itu, jika orang-orang dzalim ini mengalami kehancuran, sesungguhnya merekalah yang mengundang kehancuran itu bagi dirinya. Allah SWT menjanjikan adzab kepada para penentang ini, sebagaimana tertuang dalam QS.30:10.
Jika yang menjanjikan kehancuran bagi para penentang Rasulullah Muhammad SAW adalah seorang manusia, maka tentulah janjinya itu patut diragukan. Namun bila yang berjanji adalah Allah SWT, maka layaklah bila Umat Muslim menyiapkan diri untuk menyambut perwujudan janji Allah SWT. Bila Romawi dan Uni Sovyet dapat hancur, bukan tidak mungkin bagi Allah SWT menghancurkan Amerika Serikat, NATO, dan Israel. Semoga Allah SWT berkenan...

Jumat, 18 September 2009


The Holy Qur'an is the central religious text of Islam. Islam holds that The Holy Qur'an was revealed to The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by The Angel Jibril (Gabriel) over a period of approximately twenty three years. Beginning in 610 CE, when The Prophet Muhammad was forty years old, and concluding in 632 CE, the year of The Prophet Muhammad death.
The Qur'anic verses contain general exhortations regarding right and wrong and the nature of revelation. The Holy Qur'an's message is conveyed through the use of various literary structures and devices. In the original Arabic, the chapters and verses employ phonetic and thematic structures, that assist the audience's efforts to recall the message of the text.
Ali compiled a complete version of The Holy Qur'an mushaf (book), immediately after The Prophet Muhammad's death. After seventy reciters were killed in the battle of Yamama, the first caliph, Abu Bakr, decided to collect the different chapters and verses into one volume. In about 650 CE, the third caliph, Uthman ibn Affan, ordered the preparation of an official standardize version.
The Holy Qur'an were first printed from carved wooden block one block per page. The relation between The Holy Qur'an and science is strongly affirmed in Islamic thought. Almost all source, classical and modern agree that The Holy Qur'an encourages the acquisition of science and scientific knowledge.
Very important for peoples to understanding of the message of The Holy Qur'an. This helps peoples to get a better first hand idea of the basic concepts of Islam as a universal message and a balanced way of life. Here are some general guidelines to read The Holy Qur'an, especially for non Arab peoples:
First, find a good translation in language you understand well.
Second, listen to recitation of The Holy Qur'an from an experienced reciter, even if you do not understand.
Third, start you first reading with a neutral frame of mind.
Fourth, do not be afraid to question or even challenge what you read.
Fifth, allow yourself time to contemplate.
Sixth, in parallel with your in-depth reading, get additional insights from trusted sources about the Qur'anic message from different perspective (psychology, or sociology).
Seventh, do not overrule the possibility of reading The Holy Qur'an in its original language (Arabic).

Kamis, 17 September 2009


Dalam penggerebekan di sebuah rumah di Kampung Kepuh Sari RT 3 / RW 11, Kelurahan Mojo Songo, Kecamatan Jebres, Solo, Detasemen Khusus 88 telah menewaskan empat orang yang diduga teroris, dan menangkap tiga orang lainnya. Empat orang yang tewas diduga adalah Susilo alias Adib (24 tahun), Bagus Budi Pranoto alias Urwah, Nordin M. Top, dan Ario Sudarso alias Aji.
Sementara itu istri Susilo, Putri Munawaroh (20 tahun) yang pada saat penggerebekan berada di rumah tersebut mengalami luka-luka, dan saat ini dirawat di Rumah Sakit POLRI, Jakarta. Berdasarkan informasi di berbagai media massa, diketahui bahwa Susilo bekerja sebagai pengurus ternak sapi yang tempatnya tidak jauh dari rumah yang ia kontrak, yang digerebek oleh Detasemen Khusus 88.
Memperhatikan dinamika terorisme di Indonesia, maka diperlukan adanya tindakan penyadaran kepada seluruh masyarakat di Indonesia, yang melibatkan POLRI (sebagai penanggung-jawab keamanan), Departemen Dalam Negeri (sebagai penanggung-jawab politik dalam negeri), dan para tokoh agama (ulama). Kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan antara lain berupa penyuluhan dan diskusi di berbagai tempat, baik di kota, desa, maupun di kampus-kampus. Tujuannya sederhana, yaitu melakukan deradikalisasi pada mindset masyarakat, dan meningkatkan kemampuan masyarakat dalam memahami dinamika di dalam negeri, maupun luar negeri.
Kegiatan ini (penyuluhan dan diskusi melawan terorisme) memang bersifat masif, dan membutuhkan biaya relatif besar. Namun sesungguhnya kegiatan ini berguna dalam mencegah kerugian besar di semua sektor yang diakibatkan adanya tindakan terorisme. Dengan demikian suatu saat Negara Kesatuan Republik Indoenesia dapat relatif lebih aman, sehingga masyarakat dapat berkonsentrasi pada upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan.
Hal ini sekaligus juga akan berakibat tidak adanya lagi tindakan-tindakan penggerebekan oleh Detasemen Khusus 88 yang membuat miris hati Bangsa Indonesia yang melihatnya. Karena yang menggerebek dan digerebek sama-sama Bangsa Indonesia, dan sama-sama meyakini bahwa tindakan mereka benar.
Semoga Allah SWT berkenan memberikan ilham kepada pimpinan POLRI, dan Departemen Dalam Negeri, serta tokoh-tokoh agama, agar mereka dapat merumuskan solusi terbaik dan terindah bagi upaya pencegahan tindakan terorisme.

Minggu, 13 September 2009


When Jewish and Israeli Government talk about "holocaust" in World War Second in 1939 to 1945, or in NAZI era, indeed that is not true, not truth, or not right. Holocaust is only Jewish and Israeli Government story as an argument to occupied the Palestinians land, and oppressed the Palestinian peoples. Although, NAZI and its activities organized by Germany peoples (Hitler and his friends), not by Palestinian peoples, and not by moslem peoples. Hitler and his friends is Christians.
Holocaust is only his story, and not history. In World War Second, knows that 6 millions Jewish peoples has died, but 54 millions Non Jewish peoples has died. Holocaust is only his (Jewish and Israeli Government) story, because Jewish and Israeli Government had done holocaust to Palestinian peoples from 1920 until now.
Like in NAZI era, now in the Palestinians land, Palestinian peoples are arrested, kept for months or even years in Israeli prison, by Israeli Occupation Soldiers. The present humanitarian disaster in the Palestinians land would be deepened by the ongoing Israeli blockade. Palestinian peoples could not go from this oppress, and then they have deep poverty, disease, and malnutrition.
Meanwhile, in Jewish settlements in and around the West Bank town of Hebron, Jewish settlers were seen dancing in an apparent expression of joy the tragedy in Palestinians land. Jewish settlers in Hebron wielding automatic rifles attacked Palestinian peoples, and vandalized Palestinian properties, in full view of Israeli Occupation Soldiers, who looked on passively. Moslem peoples all over the world knows, that Jewish settlers and Israeli Government are bunch of criminals, who are committing all sorts of crimes against humanity.
In Palestinians land, innocent civilian of Palestinian peoples were dying by Israeli Occupation Soldiers. Bakeries were stopping making bread, and the hospitals were cold as electricity generators stopped due to fuel shortages. Yet, USA Government, under the influence of Jewish lobby (who has occupied USA and USA peoples), always veto an UN Security Council condemning such crimes.
Palestinian Moslem Fighters said, "Put your trust in Allah (God), not in the UN or other disbelieving entities. Allah had said, "Certainly, the help of Allah is near!" Look The Holy Qur'an 2:214 please!" Then, moslem peoples in the world responded this fight and faith. They have done something, against occupied and oppressed by Israeli Government (who supported by USA Government) in Palestinians land. Moslem peoples in the world have done something, that is: pray, boycott, and support Palestinian Moslem Fighters.
Moslem peoples in the world boycott all "made in Israel" and "made in USA", to protest what is happening to the Palestinian peoples in the Palestinians land. It is the only way, that moslem knows to share the hurt, that the Palestinian peoples are suffering. Moslem peoples in the world have conscience to help Palestinian peoples, to bring Israeli Government oppression there to an end, and make concerted effort to inform the whole world about their plight, until there is no more oppression.
Moslem peoples all over the world should pray to Almighty, Allah, for God mercy for Palestinian peoples. May Allah see them through as they fight (in faith) for their right and freedom. Moslem peoples appeal for every moslem to pray for those moslem fighters in Palestinians land, who killed by Israeli Occupation Soldiers, and its brutal zionist army (like NAZI special force).
This action plus boycott all "made in Israel" and "made in USA", at least moslem peoples do for the Palestinian peoples, who are suffering under Israeli Government (like Hitler Government), who supported by USA Government. Moslem peoples all over the world pray for Palestinian, and hope that Allah will help Palestinian peoples.
For new conscience: Now, moslem peoples all over the world know that holocaust is not true, not truth, not right, and not history. Holocaust is only Jewish and Israeli Government story. Holocaust is only his - story.

Sabtu, 12 September 2009


Umat Islam mengerti dan bersyukur pada Allah SWT, bahwa: Pertama, FPI (Front Pembela Islam) saat ini sedang berproses untuk berpikir, bersikap, dan berperilaku semakin sesuai dengan tuntunan Al Qur'an dan Al Hadist, yang mempersyaratkan ketepatan (metode), kecepatan, kekuatan, dan keakuratan (substansi).
Kedua, FPI didirikan di era 1990-an sebagai bentuk ikhtiar membela Umat Islam yang saat itu nampak tak berdaya menghadapi para bandar judi (di Jakarta), dan pembunuhan para ustadz (di Banyuwangi) yang difitnah sebagai dukun santet.
Ketiga, FPI bertekad untuk menjaga aqidah, dengan berupaya mengeliminir berbagai aliran sesat dan menyesatkan yang telah menistakan Agama Islam, serta menanggulangi pemikiran yang menyimpang, seperti: sekularisme dan liberalisme.
Keempat, FPI bersungguh-sungguh memperjuangkan penerapan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, baik lingkup individu maupun kolektif, pada konteks bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara.
Kelima, FPI berupaya mendorong terselenggaranya sistem ekonomi Islami agar Bangsa Indonesia dapat lebih sejahtera dari hari-hari sebelumnya, dengan terus memberi masukan pada penyelenggara negara (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia) tentang perlunya penguasaan asset strategis oleh Bangsa Indonesia, dan menggerakkan secara intens sektor riil sebagai basis perekonomian.
Keenam, FPI berikhtiar dengan serius untuk mengingatkan semua komponen bangsa, tentang pentingnya melawan intervensi asing yang menyusup dalam sendi-sendi kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara.
Umat Islam banyak belajar dari kasus Iraq, bahwa nasionalisme tanpa dibekali nilai-nilai Islam akan mudah dipatahkan. Lihatlah kaum nasionalis sekuler Iraq, yang mudah dipatahkan dengan senjata pemusnah massal Amerika Serikat dan sekutu-sekutunya. Bahkan kemudian berpihak pada Amerika Serikat dan sekutu-sekutunya untuk menjajah bangsa sendiri (Bangsa Iraq) dengan menyelenggarakan "negara boneka" Iraq.
Bandingkan dengan Pejuang Muslim Iraq yang terus berjuang melawan kedzaliman Amerika Serikat dan sekutu-sekutunya, meskipun dengan persenjataan yang serba terbatas. Jika suatu saat Amerika Serikat dan sekutu-sekutunya menarik diri dari Iraq, hal itu bukanlah karena mereka berbaik hati (lihat QS.2:120), melainkan karena mereka kesulitan menghadapi semangat juang para Pejuang Muslim Iraq.
Oleh karena itu, Umat Islam di Indonesia ingin terus mempertahankan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, yang didirikan berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Tahun 1945, dengan cara menerapkan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan demikian terbuka peluang bagi Umat Islam di Indonesia untuk beribadah kepada Allah SWT, dan memberi kontribusi optimal bagi bangsa dan negaranya sebagaimana konsepsi rahmatan lil'alamiin.
Umat Islam berharap FPI dapat terus bersama-sama dengan Umat Islam pada umumnya, dalam membangun Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang diberkahi Allah SWT. Terus berjuang FPI semoga Allah SWT meridhai....

Senin, 07 September 2009


As a complete way of life, Islam has provided guidelines and rules for every sphere of society. God (Allah), the Creator of all, knows that people love to gather material possession, and that much of their effort are for the sake of gathering the various material means of the world. The relationship between economics and religion only has a very solid ground in Islam.
Ibn Khaldun wrote about the economic system in Islam in the 15th century. The Islam economic system has its own principles and philosophies, and the only way to understand them is to refer back to what is called the primary sources of learning about Islam and its principles. These are mainly The Holy Qur'an, which is viewed by moslems as the word of God, and The Prophetic tradition which explained and elaborated upon how to apply those principles.
Look at this fact: First, Islam seeks to guarantee the freedom of property owners to spend, give away, and invest it as he or she deems fit. Then, Islam has set some standards, based on justice and practicality. Earnings should not be based on cheating and sweandling. The Islamic ideal is based upon absolute justice on the personal as well as the societal level.
Second, Islam is concerned with the spirit of the economic system. There is no monopolization of necessities. Wells and other sources of water, for instance, are unlawful to use and monopolize as personal property, thereby eliminating another potential for oppression.
Third, Islam teaches that God has created provision for every person, who God has brought to life. Interest (riba) is strictly forbidden. Interest is defined as a set return on a loan, and as such implies a profit based on no risk and effort.
Fourth, Islam encourages investment and loan given as a means of charity. Interest has crumbled empires, while making oppressors out of others. The true moslem realizes that the wealth in his or her possession is in actuality in the possession of God. Through such measures, The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) sought to reduce the gap between rich and poor.

Minggu, 06 September 2009


Logika dialektis, adalah penarikan kesimpulan yang berpola "tesis - antitesis - sintesis", di mana tesis merupakan pemahaman awal, yang ditentang oleh antitesis sebagai pemahaman tandingan, hingga muncullah sintesis sebagai pemahaman yang mengungguli tesis dan antitesis.
Sebagai contoh: Pertama, pada suatu masa, karena ketidak-mampuan merawat nilai-nilai Ketuhanan, manusia terjebak pada pemahaman, bahwa Tuhan itu tidak ada (T=0). Pemahaman ini biasa disebut "atheis".
Kedua, tesis bahwa Tuhan tidak ada atau atheis, kemudian ditentang oleh kelompok manusia lainnya, dengan menyodorkan antitesis, bahwa Tuhan itu banyak (T>1). Pemahaman ini biasa disebut "politheis".
Ketiga, antitesis bahwa Tuhan itu banyak atau politheis, lalu dikalahkan oleh pemahaman, bahwa Tuhan itu Maha Esa (T=1). Pemahaman ini biasa disebut "monotheis".
Dalam perspektif Islam, pemahaman atheis dan politheis merupakan pemahaman yang tak logis. Sementara itu pemahaman monotheis juga tidak logis jika yang dipertuhankan adalah sesuatu yang bukan Tuhan. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman yang paling logis adalah ketika manusia mampu hanya mempertuhankan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yaitu Allah SWT.
Allah SWT mengingatkan, "Katakanlah, "Dialah Allah, Yang Maha Esa. Allah "tempat" meminta. Dia tidak beranak, dan tidak pula diperanakkan, serta tidak ada sesuatupun yang setara denganNya" (QS.112:1-4).