Jumat, 14 Mei 2010


Every moslem shall endeavor to create a civilization of TRANSHUME (transcendent, humanist, and emancipatory). TRANSHUME civilization, is a civilization that was built based on the conceptions of transcendent, humanitarian (humanist), and free (emancipatory).

The conceptions of transcendent will encourage every moslem to organize thoughts, attitudes, and behavior in accordance with Islamic values as core values (ultimate values). Thinking, attitudes, and behavior in accordance with Islamic values are then created a civilization that placed the human being in his position as a human, or in accordance with nature.

Humans are not positioned as a super-ordinate, but in a subordinate position. Super-ordinate (which must be complied with) the universe nature is Allah (God), whereas humans are sub-ordinate (which must comply) from Allah. The spirit and the transcendent humanist in the corridors of Islamic values will create a emancipatory civilization, namely the freeing of human civilization from the traditional, modern, and post-modern paganism.

Arrogant nature of the human self will really hurt human self, because it will be blocked from getting the truth. Puncak kesombongan manusia adalah ketika menganggap dirinya lebih hebat, lebih tahu, dan lebih berhak dari Allah SWT. The peak of human arrogance is when considered himself more powerful, more knowing, and more right from Allah.Kesombongan semacam ini tepat kiranya bila disebut "Fir'aun Syndrom".

Such arrogance is right presumably when called "Pharaoh's Syndrome." Saat ini Fir'aun Syndrom banyak menjangkiti manusia. Currently Pharaoh's Syndrome is a lot of infecting humans. Lihatlah manusia yang menghina ayat-ayat Al Qur'an, dan merendahkan Rasulullah Muhammad SAW. Behold the man who insulted the verses of The Holy Qur'an, and demeaning The Prophet Muhammad. Mereka-mereka ini menderita Fir'aun Syndrom dan menunggu penghakiman dari Allah SWT. They have Pharaoh’s Syndrome and wait for Judgement of Allah.

Allah SWT berfirman, "Dan tidakkah mereka berjalan di bumi, lalu mereka memperhatikan bagaimana akibat orang-orang (yang mendustakan Allah) sebelum mereka? Orang-orang itu lebih kuat dari mereka. Orang-orang itu juga mengolah bumi serta memakmurkannya melebihi dari yang mereka makmurkan. Dan datanglah kepada mereka rasul-rasulNya dengan keterangan- keterangan yang nyata (tapi mereka mengingkari). Maka (sesungguhnya) Allah tidaklah menganaiaya mereka, tetapi merekalah yang menganiaya diri mereka sendiri" (QS.30:9).Allah says, "Do not they walk on the earth? and attention to how a result of people (who deny God) before they? Those people were stronger than them. Those people also cultivate the earth, and get wealth. And, when the messengers came to them with clear signs that the real (but they deny). The God is not violent to them, but they wronged themselves" (The Holy Qur’an 30:9).

There is one thing that people should not hesitate, namely concerning the contents of The Holy Qur'an, or about the Word of Allah in The Holy Qur'an. Bila dalam kehidupan sehari - hari manusia boleh jadi tertipu oleh data palsu yang ditangkap inderanya (disebut fatamorgana), atau tertipu data tak lengkap karena keterbatasan inderanya (disebut fenomena), maka dengan berbekal Al Qur'an ia tak akan tertipu. If in real life, human may be deceived by false data that was captured senses (called a mirage), or deceived incomplete data due to the limited senses (called the phenomenon), when human armed them self with the Holy Qur’an they would not be fooled. Al Qur'an menjelaskan banyak hal yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan manusia melalui penjelasan yang sebenar-benarnya, yang karena absolutisme kebenarannya seringkali berada di luar jangkauan indera manusia (disebut numena).

The Holy Qur'an describes many aspects related to human life through the explanation that in truth, because the absolutism of truth position is beyond the reach of human senses.
Allah SWT menjelaskan, bahwa sesungguhnya Allah SWT yang menurunkan Al Qur'an, dan Allah SWT pula yang menjaganya (lihat QS.15:9).Allah explained that Allah sent down The Holy Qur'an, and Allah is also a guard (see The Holy Qur’an 15:9).

In The Holy Qur'an, Allah explains, that the sky and the earth used to be fused, then Allah to separate them (see The Holy Qur’an 21: 30). Allah also said that Allah expanding the universe (see The Holy Qur’an 51:47), till the universe will end when the stars fall (The Holy Qur’an 81:1-2).

Penjelasan Allah SWT ini telah disampaikan melalui Rasulullah Muhammad SAW pada abad ke-7, dan barulah pada abad ke-19 manusia berhasil memahami penjelasan AlThis Allah explanation has been informed by the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century, and then in the 19th century humans understand this explanation of Allah. Orang-orang seperti Edwin Huble (1929) dan kawan-kawannya (para fisikawan ruang angkasa), telah berhasil secara empiris membuktikan kebenaran Al Qur'an.Edwin Huble (1929) and his friends (space physicists), have managed to empirically prove the truth of The Holy Qur'an. Mereka yang juga berjasa adalah Arnold Penzias dan Robert Wilson (pemenang Nobel).They are also credited with the Arnold Penzias and Robert Wilson.
Jika sampai saat ini masih ada Islam-phobia di kalangan manusia, maka hal ini menunjukkan "mahalnya" hidayah.

If until now a part of entire human still have Islam-phobia, this is the show to present a "high price" of the guidance.

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