Kamis, 12 Maret 2009


Prophet Muhammad was 40 years old, when he was visited by angel Gabriel (peace be on him), received his first message from God. These visits continued for the next 23 years until his death. All of the message thus received were put together by the Prophet Muhammad in a book called The Holy Qur'an.
For moslems, the Holy Qur'an is the word of God. The Holy Qur'an consist of 114 chapters of varying length. Each chapter is made up of single or multiple revelations. Chapter names are based on a word that appears in the chapter itself. In the interpretation of the verses, historic sontext, events that moslems were facing at that time, and the Sunnah matter.

9 komentar:

joannaB73 mengatakan...

Thank you for the invitation to follow your Blog but unfortunately I can only read the English bits as I don't have a second language. But peace be with you.

Ajeng mengatakan...

The Holy Quran is the Holy Book or the Scriptures of the Muslims. It lays down for them the law and commandments, codes for their social and moral behaviour, and contains a comprehensive religious philosophy.

Ryan mengatakan...

I've always had a huge interest in Islam, and I'll be more than happy to pay attention to your blog. Just keep in mind I only speak English, just in case that helps any.

Aïsha mengatakan...

assalamoualeikoum brother!
Thank you for your encouragements.
Your blog is interesting but i just can read english and it is a bit hard to me because i'm a french student hopeless in english...
All the best

scott abraham- lakes mengatakan...

I believe in the convergent past Muslims & Jews studying together, within same villages, cities... Jews wrote with Arabic characters in predominate Muslim countries. Ghazals were written & Sciences, falsafah, business documents in Arabic... Arabic is a biblical language--and I like not having to go around the corner if a relationship between Jews & Muslims is between such similarities in etymology. Salam Aleikum This is a student of life adventure to read your honest conveyance of Islam's relevance.

Shinchi mengatakan...

Thank you for the invitation to visit your blog. I'll try to visit it from time to time but actually I can only read your post in english. Peace be with you. Selamat tinggal Aristiono!

Unknown mengatakan...

Keep up with then english posts!! We are all willing to follow up with it! :)

MYYUEN mengatakan...

untuk menjadi muslim yang ikhlas di uji oleh allah swt amatlah susah. hingga bisa meruntuhkan hubungan persahabatan yang pernah di bina begitu erat, entah bagaimana lagi harus saya lakukan sebagai sahabat untuk merubah segalanya menjadi seperti semula.

Ted A. Brooks mengatakan...

Peace be to Gabriel, one of the beloved angels, now and forever always. Today is my first visit into the blogging universe and it is amazing.
Angel Blessings