Senin, 26 Juli 2010


The USA (United States of America) and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organizations) member states practice Western values in their states. So, they always support each of the crimes committed ofIsrael Israel terhadap Palestina. against Palestinians. Bahkan untuk mendukung keunggulan Even to support the excellence ofIsrael Israel, atas negara-negara Islam di sekitarnya, Amerika Serikat dan NATO menyerang the USA and NATO attacks Afghanistan Afghanistan dan and Iraq Iraq yang selalu mendukung Palestina. who always supported the Palestinians.

Continously devastating condition of Palestinians, who have tyrant and unjust authoritizing by Israel. The USA and NATO invations on Afghanistan and build the puppet government of Afghanistan (2002 until now), and invations on Iraq and build the puppet government of Iraq (2003 until now), had destruction and killings of several hundred thousand people (moslem, or Islamist) of Afghanistan and Iraq. Evil treatment of prisoners by USA Military in Abu Ghraib (Iraq region) and Guantanamo (Cuba region) are some of the major factors which have turned the world into a lawless, and unjust global village.

Fakta ini menunjukkan lemahnya nilai-nilai Barat dalam memperjuangkan hak asasi manusia, keadilan dan kesejahter

This fact shows the weakness of Western values in the fight for human rights, justice and prosperity. Apabila umat manusia terus menerus berpegang pada nilai-nilai Barat, maka ia akan gagal melihat tegaknya hak asasi manusia, keadilan, dan kesejahteraan di dunia. Umat manusia akan terus menerus melihat kejahatan kemanusiaan yang dilakukan Israel terhadap Palestina. If human beings continue to hold on to Western values, then it will fail to see the upholding of human rights, justice and prosperity in the world. The human race will continue to view Israel's crimes being committed against Palestinians. Nilai-nilai Barat tidak akan mampu melawan Israel, dan akan gagal menjadikan Israel sebagai bangsa yang beradab. Western values will not be able to fight Israel, and will fail to make Israel as a civilized nation.

Allah SWT telah mengingatkan umat manusia tentang lemahnya nilai-nilai Barat dalam memperjuangkan hak asasi manusia, keadilan, dan kesejahteraan.

God (Allah) has reminded mankind about the weakness of Western values in the fight for human rights, justice and prosperity. Pernyataan Allah SWT tentang hal ini telah tertuang dalam Al Qur'an (QS. 2:120 dan 114) sejak abad ketujuh, dan masih relevan hingga saat ini. God's statement about this in the Holly Qur'an (Surah 2:120 and 114) since the seventh century, and still relevant today. Fakta kejahatan kemanusiaan yang dilakukan oleh Israel terhadap Palestina telah membuktikan relevansi pernyataan Allah SWT tersebut, dan sekaligus menjadi bukti kebenaran segenap pernyataan Allah SWT dalam Al Qur'an. Facts crimes being committed by Israel against Palestinians have proven the relevance of the statement of God, and become the proof of the truth of all statements in the Holly Qur'an.

Perhatikanlah perjuangan Palestina dalam menghadapi kejahatan kemanusiaan yang dilakukan oleh Israel sejak 1920 hingga saat ini (2010).

Consider the Palestinian struggle in the face of the crimes being committed by Israel from 1920 until today (2010). Nilai-nilai Islam yang dipraktekkan oleh Palestina, telah menjadikan mereka mampu terus menerus, tanpa kenal lelah, dan tanpa putus asa berjuang melawan kejahatan kemanusiaan yang dilakukan oleh Israel. Islamic values are practiced by the Palestinians, has made them capable of continuously, tirelessly, and without the desperate struggle against the crimes being committed by Israel. Islamic valuesAqidah, ibadah, muamallah, adab, dan akhlak menjadikan mereka mampu bertahan dalam menghadapi serangan udara, darat dan laut oleh Israel, serta blokade oleh Israel dan Mesir. made the Palestinians able to survive in the face of attacks by air, land and sea by Israel, and the blockade by Israel and Egypt.

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