Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010


God (Allah) has stated in The Holy Qur'an, "And to thee. We have sent The Book (The Holy Qur'an) in truth. This Qur'an confirming the scripture that came before it, and a witness over it" (Qur'an 5:48).

Islamic economics, unlike its Western counterpart, is a value driven discipline replete with moral values that limits individual's consumption, and imposes significant social and religious responsibilities on individuals as guardian of the natural environment for future generations.

Islamic economics is a value driven discipline. Individual moslem's choices are subordinate to the collective interests of a larger Islamic community. Accordingly, the collectivist social and religious norms of Islam guide the economic behavior of individual moslems.

Islamic economics begins with the abundance of resources and assumes the limited needs of individuals. Accordingly, the problem of scarcity in classical economics is due to unnatural assumption of unlimited needs created by artificial means such as advertising.

Islam imposes legal and moral restrictions on totality of human behavior, including individual's needs. Islam as a comprehensive way of life, embraces the totality of moslem's conducts, including their economic transactions. Individual moslem's freedom is always bounded by his/her social and religious responsibilities.

Moslems are free, but they a responsible to God (Allah) and other moslems for their actions. As a result, freedom and responsibility are the two sides of one coin in Islam. Social and religious responsibilities are the constraints imposed on moslems behavior, including their economic behavior.

Islamic norms of behavior such as justice (Qur'an 5:8), moderation (Qur'an 17:29), charity (Qur'an 57:7), and waste avoidance (Qur'an 7:31) are the restriction that are meant to change the innate selfish nature of man to altruistic and compassionate economic behavior.

Allah (God) said, "Hi men (human)! Serve your God (Allah), who created you and those before you, so that you may have the righteousness" (Qur'an, 2:21).

Allah has created the earth, as a resting place for human, and the sky as canopy. Allah also sends down rain from the cloud, then brings for with it subsistence for you of the fruits. Therefore do not set up rivals to Allah while you know. So for that, read The Holy Qur'an, or learn the Islamic values please.

If some peoples are in doubt to The Holy Qur'an, which Allah have revealed to Allah servant (The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him), then Allah challenge them to produce a chapter like it in similar quality, and then call on them witnesses. But, if they do it not, and never shall they do it, then be on them guard against the punishment by Allah.

Convey good news to the peoples who believe, and do good deeds as implementation of the Islamic values, that they shall have heaven. In heaven, whenever they shall be given a portion of them needs. They shall understand, "This is what was given to us before." They shall be given them needs by Allah.

Surely Allah is not ashamed to set forth any parable that of a gnat or anything above that. For the peoples who believe, they know that it is the truth from their God (Allah). They know that The Holy Qur'an is the truth from their God, and they also know that the Islamic values is the truth from their God.

For the peoples who disbelieve, they always say, "What is it that Allah means by this parable." Allah causes many to err by it, and many leads a right by it. But Allah does not cause to err by it, except the transgressors.

The transgressor is any peoples who break the covenant of Allah (the Islamic values), after its confirmation, and cut asunder what Allah has ordered to be joined, and make mischief in the land. This fact can be the evidence, that transgressors are the losers.

Many peoples life in fool, when they do deny Allah. They never understand, that they were dead, and Allah gave they life. Allah will cause they to die, and again bring they to life, then they shall be brought back to Allah, who created for you all that is in the earth. So that, implement the Islamic values please....

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010


Rita L. Atkinson dan kawan-kawan (1993:15) menyatakan, bahwa psikologi dapat didefinisikan sebagai ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari perilaku dan proses mental. Sementara itu, Soerjono Soekanto (1993:44) menyatakan, bahwa perilaku (behavior) adalah cara bertingkah laku tertentu dalam suatu situasi tertentu. Sedangkan berkaitan dengan mental, James P. Chaplin (2000:296) menyatakan, bahwa mental adalah hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan pikiran, akal, ingatan atau yang berasosiasi dengan ketiga hal itu.

Psikologi memiliki beberapa perspektif, yang masing-masing perspektif menawarkan penjelasan yang agak berbeda tentang penyebab individu bertindak sebagaimana yang mereka lakukan. Perspektif dimaksud antara lain: Pertama, perspektif biologi menjelaskan perilaku individu berdasarkan pada peran otak dan proses belajar sel demi sel melalui pembiasaan; Kedua, perspektif fenomena logical menjelaskan perilaku individu berdasarkan pengalaman subyektif yang merupakan pandangan pribadi individu terhadap suatu peristiwa; Ketiga, perspektif psikoanalitik yang dimotori Sigmund Freud menjelaskan perilaku individu berdasarkan kombinasi antara kognisi kesadaran, persepsi, memori, dan insting bilogis; Keempat, perspektif perilaku menjelaskan perilaku individu berdasarkan aktivitas organisme yang dapat dideteksi melalui mekanisme stimulus-respon; Kelima, perspektif koginitif menjelaskan perilaku individu berdasarkan proses mental, seperti: daya ingat, persepsi, penalaran, pemutusan pilihan dan pemecahan masalah.

Sebagaimana ilmu-ilmu lainnya – sesuai dengan perubahan zaman – psikologi mengalami perkembangan dari masa ke masa, yang tahapannya sebagai berikut: Pertama, pada tahun 1960an psikologi yang berkembang dikenal sebagai psikologi angkatan pertama. Psikologi ini disebut psikologi behavior, yang kajiannya mengarah pada perilaku; Kedua, pada tahun 1970an psikologi yang berkembang dikenal sebagai psikologi angkatan kedua. Psikologi ini disebut psikologi analisis, yang kajiannya mengarah pada motif perilaku; Ketiga, pada pertengahan abad ke-20 psikologi yang berkembang dikenal sebagai psikologi angkatan ketiga. Psikologi ini disebut psikologi humanis, yang kajiannya mengarah pada makna perilaku; Keempat, pada akhir abad ke-20 psikologi yang berkembang dikenal sebagai psikologi angkatan keempat. Psikologi ini disebut psikologi transpersonal, yang kajiannya mengarah pada kearifan perennial (abadi) yang diajarkan agama.

Perkembangan psikologi hingga akhir abad ke-20 memperlihatkan gerakan psikologi yang semakin mengarah pada persinggungannya dengan agama. Ketika psikologi berada pada ranah (wilayah) agama, maka saat itulah psikologi bersentuhan dengan Islam.

Karena sebagaimana diketahui, agama yang diridhai Tuhan Yang Maha Esa (Allah SWT) adalah Islam (lihat QS.3:19). Inilah agama yang ditetapkan oleh Allah SWT bagi manusia, sehingga janganlah mati melainkan dalam keadaan muslim atau memeluk Islam (lihat QS.2:132). Meskipun sesungguhnya, tidak ada paksaan dalam memeluk agama Islam, karena sudah jelas jalan yang benar dengan yang salah (lihat QS.2:256). Oleh karena itu perlu disiapkan sebagian anggota masyarakat yang akan mempelajari Islam (lihat QS.9:122). Sehingga umat manusia dapat menghadapkan dirinya dengan lurus kepada Islam, yang merupakan agama fitrah (asasi) manusia yang dianugerahkan Allah SWT kepada manusia (lihat QS.30:30). Ketahuilah hanya agama yang suci (tidak mempertuhankan selain Allah SWT) yang diridhai oleh Allah SWT (lihat QS.39:3).

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010


"God is Allah, the One and Only. Allah is God, on whom all depend. Allah begets not, and nor begotten; and none is like Allah" (source: The Holy Qur'an 112:1-4).

This declare will being a power (energy) for Palestinians (moslems) to resist and against Israelis (the ultimate evil) violence. This declare also give strong motivation for Palestinian to live and life in "God land" (Palestine). Every moslem in the world had known that Israelis (the ultimate evil) had killed millions Palestinian. This evidence has proved the truth of God said in The Holy Qur'an 2:120 and 114, that Israelis is the ultimate evil in the world.

Palestinians are prayer five times a day, include Friday prayer (one time a week), that make Palestinans have communicated with God. In his or her prayer, Palestinians face toward Mecca (for common direction) to worship God. In verse of The Holy Qur'an (3:19) God states, "The only religion in the sight of God is Islam." Islam is Palestinians religion which give strong motivation against the violence (dark behavior) of Israelis.

Islam is a simple, reasonable, practical religion, and free from priestcraft and the above charge. It is away of life for the social, moral, and transcendental development of humanity. It does not demand of man to surrender his reasoning faculties, nor does it demand a blind faith in obscure and inexplicable mysteries. It teaches the purest form of monotheism and regards polytheism as an unpardonable sin.

We are (moslems) support Palestinians to against the Israelis violence.
We are knows about the Israelis violence.
We are knows about the Israelis worst.
We are knows about the ultimate evil, that is Israelis.
Thanks for Palestinians, thanks for your fight.

May 31st 2010, Israeli soldiers attacked a convoy of several ships of humanity, which carry aid (food, medicines, and building materials) for Palestinians in Gaza, which has been blockaded for 3 (three) years by the Nation of Israel. One of the ship of humanity, namely "Marvi Marmara" (700 passengers), attacked Israeli soldiers who fell from a military helicopter. As a result 19 people were killed, and 100 volunteers were wounded. The whole ship is a ship in such convoy unarmed and humanitarian.

This event is proof of barbarity Nation of Israel, which is always done to the nations in the world since 1910, when the Protocol of Zion (Israel's Plan for Mastering the World) has the public known. At present, Israeli savagery is always perceived by the Palestinians, whose land was seized by the Nation of Israel. For those Palestinians who remained in the West Bank (West Bank) and Gaza, the Israeli blockade want to kill them slowly through starvation, disease, and periodic military attacks.

Initially the Nation of Israel, are the slaves of the Pharaoh (King of Egypt). Moses freeing the Nation of Israel from the slavery of Pharaoh, when the Nation of Israel promised to Moses and God to do good on earth. But in the course of history, the Nation of Israel is not willing to do good, even the people of Israel are planning to colonize the whole world and other nations.

Israel's barbarous plan contained in the Protocol of Zion, finally revealed to the public in 1910. The result is a clash between the Nation of Israel with the nations of Europe, particularly Germany. In the 1930s the Nation of Israel seeks to take control of Germany, by establishing the State of Israel in Germany. This is what ultimately makes Adolf Hitler's rage, and finally in 1939, Adolf Hitler attacked the Nation of Israel, and countries that protect the Nation of Israel. This was carried out Adolf Hitler, because the Nation of Israel is also planning the same thing for the German Nation.

Evidence of the truth of Protocol of Zion, and the Nation of Israel plans outrage against European nations, can be viewed in the context of this moment, when the Nation of Israel do barbarity against the Palestinian Nation. This is the outrage Nation of Israel, this is barbarism of nation of slaves. History of the Nation of Israel as a nation of slaves, are genetically has carried all time, and a black stain their behavior.

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010


Daryanto dalam “Kamus Bahasa Indonesia Lengkap” (1997:568) mengidentikkan takhayul dengan khayal, yaitu: angan-angan atau fantasi yang tidak terbukti secara nyata (lihat juga Daryanto, 1997:364). Sementara itu dalam Bahasa Inggris (lihat Echols, 2000:543), “takhayul” disebut “superstitious” atau “superstition”.

Hal menarik dari perkembangan takhayul, adalah penggunaannya oleh sebagian masyarakat untuk acuan hidup. Acuan biasanya dibangun dari legenda, yaitu cerita rakyat yang berkaitan dengan sejarah (Daryanto, 1997:396). Hanya saja aspek sejarah ini sering kali sangat bias kepentingan dan penuh nuansa khayal, sehingga Soerjono Soekanto (1993:236) menyebut legenda atau legend sebagai suatu tradisi historis mengenai orang atau tempat tanpa didukung bukti yang nyata.

Ketika masyarakat dipandang masih kurang tunduk pada legenda, maka para pendukung takhayul tidak segan-segan mengarahkan agar masyarakat menjadikan fabel atau fable sebagai acuan. Soerjono Soekanto (1993:155) menyatakan, bahwa fabel atau fable adalah cerita-cerita yang menjadikan hewan sebagai tokohnya. Sedangkan lebih lengkapnya Daryanto (1997:199) menjelaskan, bahwa fabel adalah cerita pendek berupa dongeng tentang hewan yang menggambarkan watak manusia.

Takhayul semakin canggih ketika mulai dikembangkan mitos atau myth, yang berupa cerita keramat atau dikeramatkan yang menjamin kepatuhan terhadap suatu kepemimpinan (Soekanto, 1993:283). Bila dalam legenda dan fabel anggota masyarakat yang melanggar norma acuan tidak mendapat ancaman sanksi, maka dalam mitos anggota masyarakat yang melanggar norma acuan mendapat ancaman sanksi berupa kutukan dari alam gaib.

Berkaitan dengan takhayul (keyakinan yang bersifat takhayul) Allah s.w.t. menyatakan, “Mereka tidak lain hanyalah menurutkan persangkaan belaka, dan mereka tidak lain hanyalah membuat kebohongan belaka” (QS.6:116).

Oleh karena itu Allah s.w.t. berpesan, “Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi serta silih bergantinya malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang mempunyai pikiran” (QS.3:190).

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010


Samuel P. Huntington (1992) said, that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will dominate global politics. The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future.

To support Samuel P. Huntington, Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon (2002) said, that Islamic discourse dominates societies, the airwaves, and thinking about the world. Islamic values have proliferated throughout the world. Bookstores are dominated by works with Islamic themes. The demand for sharia (Islamic law), the belief that Islam is the answer to all problems, and the fact that the West government hate Islam and moslem dominate public discussion.

Million peoples think that to live an Islamic life is a balanced way of living, and respect of human right. They know, that God created all the human with what is called a "fitrah" (the inherent behavior), which include to protect and help the people who are crying to God from oppressors. Million peoples know, that one day human shall die and return to God.

God (Allah) said, "You desire the good of this world, but Allah desires for you the hereafter, and Allah is Almighty and All Wise" (Qur'an, 8:67).

God said too, "O mankind! God created you from a single soul, become male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly the most honored of you in God's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing and All-Aware" (Qur'an, 49:13).

In the wealth context, many peoples know, that God who provided wealth to the person, made a portion of it for the poor, so the poor have a right over one's wealth. Love of wealth is natural, and it takes firm belief in God for a person to part with some of his wealth. The whole concept of wealth is considered in Islamic values as a gift from God. The true owner of things is not man, but God.

God said, "You who believe! Give of the good things which you have honourably earned, and the fruits of the earth, which God have produced for you" (Qur'an, 2:267).

In Islamic values, a person must give, provide, or supply the other people of the good things, which he have honourably earned. Giving charity to those who deserve it is part of moslems character. Giving charity is considered to purify one's heart of greed. It is an obligation for those who have received their wealth from God, to respond to those members of the community in need. Islamic values emphasizes feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and helping those who are need.

Moslem peoples in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine need help from the other moslems. They have oppressed by USA, NATO, and Israel military. God calls on those who obey God to stand up for the rights of the oppressed. Islamic fighters in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine want to protect and help the peoples from oppress by military of USA, NATO, and Israel.

God said, "And why should you not fight in the cause of Allah and of the feeble among man, and of the women and the children who are crying, "Our Lord (Allah)! Rescue us on this town whose people are oppressors, and raise for us from Thee One (Allah) who will protect, and raise for us from Thee One who will help!" (Qur'an, 4:75).

In Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine this God said (Qur'an, 4:75) is very urgent. Based on this verse, Islamic fighters in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine want to protect and help the peoples who crying to God, from oppress by military of USA, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and Israel.

Islamic fighters in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine have the process by which and individual's attitudes, belief, and behaviors are influenced by Islamic values. As a result, in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine, million peoples in the world can see Islamic civilization (as angel force) face to face with West civilization (as evil force).