Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009


Moslem have spoken greeting in Arabic "assallamu'alaikum" (peace be upon you). The term "salam" in Arabic means "peace". Greeting is usually accompanied by a kind of two handed "handshake".
"Salamun'alaikum", which similarly with "assallamu'alaikum", used in a passage of The Holy Qur'an describing the greeting of the angels towards the inhabitants of paradise.
"And angels shall enter unto them from every gate, saying, "Salamun'alaikum (peace be upon you) for you persevered in patience! Excellent indeed is the final home" (Qur'an 13:23-24).
In the world, peace commonly refers to an absence of agression, violence, and hostility, but which also represents a larger concept where in there are healthy and newly healed interpersonal and international relationships, and safety in matters of social and economic welfare.
Many different theories of peace exist in the world which involves conflict transformation, disarmament, and cessation of violence.
Peace is a state of balance and understanding in your self and between others, where a respect is gained by the acceptance of differences, tolerance persists, conflict are resolved through dialog, people's right are respected and their voices are heard, and everyone is at their highest point of serenity without social tension.
Peoples must educated a series of lessons about encounters that draw from people, includes their desire for peace, non violent alternatives for managing conflict, and skills for critical analysis of structural arrangements that produce and legitimate injustice and inequality.
The education is a series of teaching about care for others, a settled disposition and enhancing the confidence of the individual as an individual agent of peace, the consequences of war and social injustice, the value of peaceful and just social stuctures and working to uphold or develop such social structures, and leave the world and to imagine a peaceful future.
Peace built at different level what is called multi track diplomacy, that includes direct talks between the leaders of conflicting parties, and dialogue at lower level which often unofficially between groups and parties to discuss a violent conflict, as well as efforts to address the causes and impact of violence.
A rationale for peace might be located in virtue ethic. Moslem have called virtue ethic as "adab", which in the context of behavior refers prescribed etiquette of refinement, good manners, morals, decorum, decency, and humane.
In Islamic values: First, refinement is a small change that improves something, polite behavior and knowledge of social rules, and the process of making a substance pure.
Second, good is: (1) enjoyable, pleasent, or interesting; (2) a high quality or level; (3) successful, or able to do something well; (4) kind or helpful; (5) having a positive or useful effect; and (6) suitable or satisfactory.
Third, moral is relating to belief about what is right or wrong which the basic of Allah (God) said, and behaving in a way that Allah say is correct.
Fourth, decorum is behavior which considered to polite and correct.
Fifth, decency is behavior that is acceptable in society in the frame of Allah order to do something.
Sixth, humane is kind, especially toward peoples that are suffering.

6 komentar:

Tarbawia mengatakan...

Islam love Peace, Islam is not Terrorist
Salam ukhuwah BERSAMA DAKWAH

lintang mengatakan...

salam ukhuwah, nich posting.

Sekhranikos mengatakan...

Selamûn Aleykûm;

When selâm will be spread around then peace will be come to world. Nice post.

Allah forgive and protect you,

Spark mengatakan...

Informative mash'Allah.
May Allah reward you for it.

imelda mengatakan...

i am a catholic but i respect islam.


Dear friends:

Thanks for your comments.
As a moslem, I hope peace can spread on the world, to make smile and happy on millions people in the world.