Kamis, 26 November 2009


The United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict was established on 3 April 2009 by the President of the UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council). The mission was a team established by the UNHRC during the Gaza War to investigate all violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law by Israel against the Palestinian peoples. Richard Goldstone of South Africa was appointed to head the mission, accompanied by Christine Chinkin of the United Kingdom, Hina Jilani of Pakistan, and Desmond Travers of Ireland.
Allah (God) said, "Remember please, when Allah made a covenant with Israel peoples, "You shall not serve any, but Allah, and you shall do good to your parents, the near of kin, the orphans, and the needy. You shall speak to men good words, keep up prayer, and pay the poor-rate." Then, you (Israel peoples) turned back, except a very few of you, and now too you turn aside" (Qur'an, 2:83).
Allah (God) statement in The Holy Qur'an 2:83 has proved by Goldstone report, was state that the IDF (Israel Defence Force) committed war crimes, and possibly crimes against humanity for its serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, that the Israeli military actions were directed at the Gaza populations.
Goldstone report state, that the strike on the al-Maqadmah mosque on the outskirts of Jabaliya, occured when between 200 and 300 men and women attended for their evening prayer, with 15 peoples being killed and 40 wounded as a result of the attack. The report also says that IDF's mortar shelling near a United Nations-run al-Fakhura school in the Jabaliya refugee camp, which was sheltering some 1,300 peoples, killed 35 peoples, and wounded up to 40 peoples.
The report state that Israeli forces had been systematically reckless in their use of "white phosphorus bombs". The writers highlighted the Israeli attack on the UN Relief and Work Agency compound in Gaza City on 15 January 2009, the attack on the al-Quds hospital, and the attack on al-Wafa hospital, each of which involved using "white phosphorus bombs". The report described its use as disproportionate or excessive under international law. More generaly, the UN report recommended that serious considerations should be given to banning the use of "white phosphorus bombs" in built up areas.
Allah (God) also said, "Remember please, when Allah made a covenant with Israel peoples, "You shall not shed blood (killing peoples), and you shall not turn the peoples (non Jews) out of their cities." Then, you gave a promise, while you witnessed" (Qur'an, 2:84).
But in the real life, Israel peoples slay Palestinian peoples, and turn Palestinian peoples out of their homes and cities. Israel peoples also backing each other to kill Palestinian peoples. Israel peoples believe in a part of The Holy Torah, and disbelieve in the other. Israel peoples only believe The Talmud, which they made to attack of God.
The reward to Israel peoples who do this, are disgrace in the life of this world. On the day of resurrection, they shall be sent back to the most grievous chastisement. Allah (God) is not at all heedless of what Israel peoples do. These are they who buy the life of this world for the hereafter. So, their chastisement shall not be lightened nor shall they be helped.

Sabtu, 21 November 2009


Manusia adalah makhluk ciptaan Allah SWT, yang diciptakan dari tiada menjadi ada (lihat QS.76:1-2). Manusia setelah Rasulullah Adam AS memiliki korelasi genetik dengan Rasulullah Adam AS, karena Rasulullah Adam AS merupakan manusia pertama yang diciptakan oleh Allah SWT, sedangkan manusia-manusia sesudahnya merupakan hasil reproduksi dari Adam AS dan keturunannya.
Penciptaan manusia oleh Allah SWT diketahui memiliki empat varian, yaitu: Pertama, penciptaan Adam AS, yang memiliki keunikan, karena diciptakan dari tanah yang selanjutnya disempurnakan kejadiannya dan dilengkapi dengan ruh ciptaan Allah SWT (lihat QS.3:59). Kedua, penciptaan Hawa, yaitu istri Rasulullah Adam AS, yang memiliki keunikan, yang diciptakan dari diri Adam AS (lihat QS.4:1). Ketiga, penciptaan Rasulullah Isa AS, yaitu putra dari Maryam, yang memiliki keunikan, karena diciptakan oleh Allah SWT tanpa melalui proses reproduksi sebagaimana manusia pada umumnya. Rasulullah Isa AS lahir dari Maryam, yang merupakan seorang wanita suci yang tidak pernah "disentuh" oleh laki-laki (lihat QS.4:171 dan QS.19:20). Keempat, penciptaan manusia pada umumnya, yang memiliki keunikan, karena diciptakan oleh Allah SWT melalui proses reproduksi, yang dijalani oleh manusia sebagaimana manusia pada umumnya (lihat QS.23:12-14).
Sebagai makhluk ciptaan Allah SWT, maka manusia harus berpegang teguh pada aqidah, yang dituntunkan Allah SWT kepada manusia melalui Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, yang berisi komitmen kekinian yang berlaku hingga akhir masa, sebagaimana diajarkan dalam QS.112:1-4. Oleh karena itu kebodohan manusia terbesar sepanjang masa, adalah ketika manusia tidak mempertuhankan Allah SWT. Sangat sesatlah orang-orang yang mempertuhankan selain Allah SWT. Posisi orang-orang sesat ini dalam pandangan Allah SWT adalah seperti hewan ternak, atau yang lebih rendah lagi.

Sabtu, 14 November 2009


Allah (God) said, "As for those who disbelieve, surely neither their wealth nor their children shall avail them in the least against Allah, and these it is who are the fuel of the hell fire" (Qur'an, 3:10).
Like the striving of the peoples of Pharaoh, and those before them; now, many peoples in the world rejected The Holy Qur'an as a God verses. But, Allah has promised, that Allah will destroyed who rejected The Holy Qur'an in the end of the universe, and the after its. On that time, peoples can see the hell and the heaven, which created by Allah. So, Allah destroy them on account of their faults. Allah say to those who disbelieve, "You shall be vanquished, and driven together to hell."
Indeed there was a sign for entire peoples in the world now, in the two hosts which met together in encounter (Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine). One party fighting in the way of God (Islamic fighters in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine), and the other are unbelieving (USA, NATO, and Israel soldiers, and their puppets).
When believing peoples (Islamic fighters) and unbelieving peoples met in the war, the unbelieving peoples saw Islamic fighters as twice their number clearly (in impact perspective). Surely, Allah strengthens Islamic fighters in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine with Allah-aids.
In the world perspective, moslem peoples know, that beautified for mankind is love of the joys that come, from women and offspring; and stored-up heaps of gold and silver, and horses branded with their mark, and cattle and land. Moslem peoples also know, that is comfort of the life in the world, but in Allah side, have a more excellent abode, that is call "heaven".
Allah teach moslem peoples to say, "Shall I tell you what is better than the world?" Allah will given heaven for those who guard against evil (wrong driven). The peoples who believe The Holy Qur'an will live in heaven, with rivers flowing beneath. Therein is their eternal home, with companions pure and holy, and the good pleasure of Allah.
The peoples who believe The Holy Qur'an say, "Our God (Allah). Surely we believe, therefore forgive us for our faults, and save us from the chastisement of the hell."
So, in The Holy Qur'an , 3:16-17, Allah describe, "That is who the patient, the truthful, the obedient, and those who spend benevolently, and those who ask forgiveness in the morning time."

Jumat, 13 November 2009


Hari-hari terakhir ini, beberapa stasiun televisi memberitakan adanya musibah yang memprihatinkan, yaitu adanya seribu orang warga yang mengalami keracunan obat pencegah kaki gajah, dan delapan orang di antaranya tewas. Kegiatan ini dilakukan oleh Departemen Kesehatan bekerjasama dengan WHO (World Health Organization), dengan tujuan untuk menekan angka penderita kaki gajah. Namun karena tidak sempurnanya sosialisasi yang berkaitan dengan karakteristik obat kepada masyarakat, dan juga karena ketidak-cermatan masyarakat dalam mengkonsumsi obat, maka terjadilah musibah ini.
Fenomena ini menunjukkan tentang pentingnya ilmu. Bagi Departemen Kesehatan, selain ilmu kesehatan mereka juga perlu mengkonsumsi sosiologi (ilmu tentang masyarakat), psikologi (ilmu tentang kejiwaan individu), dan komunikasi. Sementara itu, masyarakat juga perlu memiliki ilmu tentang kecermatan dalam mengkonsumsi obat-obatan. Bukankah Allah SWT, melalui nilai-nilai Islam telah mengajarkan tentang pentingnya ilmu? Amal tanpa ilmu tertolak! Kejujuran tanpa ilmu hanyalah kebohongan belaka!
Ketika Allah SWT mengirim Rasulullah Muhammad SAW bagi manusia di alam semesta, maka peristiwa ini sesungguhnya memberi simbol tentang pentingnya ilmu. Allah SWT berkehendak agar Rasulullah Muhammad SAW memperbaiki pemikiran, sikap, dan perilaku manusia melalui seperangkat nilai-nilai, yang disebut "Islam". Dengan kata lain, peristiwa ini menjadi bukti, bahwa pemikiran, sikap, dan perilaku manusia dapat diperbaiki melalui ilmu.
Pada saat manusia menolak ilmu (nilai-nilai Islam) yang disampaikan oleh Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, maka sebagaimana umat manusia terdahulu (Kaum Ad dan Kaum Tsamud), mereka akan mendapat adzab, yang berupa kesulitan dan kesukaran hidup, serta bencana alam dan kemanusiaan. Adzab yang mendatangi manusia sesungguhnya karena diundang oleh manusia, melalui penolakan ilmu. Para penolak ilmu lebih memilih adzab, sebagai konsekuensi logis dari ketiadaan ilmu.
Kepemilikan ilmu tidak ditunjukkan oleh sertipikat (ijazah), tetapi ditunjukkan oleh kemampuan seseorang mengantisipasi dan menyelesaikan masalah. Apabila suatu masyarakat sangat lemah kemampuannya dalam mengantisipasi masalah, maka berapapun banyaknya sertipikat keilmuan yang mereka miliki, tiadalah gunanya. Bahkan sertipikat itu hanya akan menjadi bahan olok-olok, sebagai sertipikat "aspal", yaitu sertipikat asli (kertas dan formalitasnya) tetapi palsu (substansi dan aksinya).
Semoga Bangsa Indonesia lebih senang belajar lewat ilmu, daripada belajar lewat adzab. Kalaupun adzab telah datang, semoga Bangsa Indonesia segera bertaubat, dan bersegera mempelajari ilmu (nilai-nilai Islam).

Minggu, 08 November 2009

Sabtu, 07 November 2009


Allah (God) give a lesson to all human, "Allah, there is no god, but Allah, who the Everliving, and the Self Subsisting" (Qur'an, 3:2).
Allah has revealed The Holy Qur'an to all human with truth. The Holy Qur'an is a holy book to verifying and confirming the holy books before, which has deviated by human. Surely they who disbelieve the Allah verses, has deviated and making chaos on the holy books, before The Holy Qur'an revealed.
Bad and lies human, or human who disbelieve the Allah verses (The Holy Qur'an) has hidden act systematically to deviate and making chaos on the holy books, before The Holy Qur'an revealed. But, Allah knows what their do. Then, moslem peoples also know this deviate and chaos, from Allah, through The Holy Qur'an. Now, from the history of religion in Europe, moslem knows about Nicea Phenomenon (or Constantine Phenomenon) in 325 AC, when a part of peoples in the world decided to call a human as a god, and distributed their perspective all over the world. But their perspective is wrong, false, lies, not true, not truth, not real, and nothing have logically base. Surely, that nothing is hidden from Allah knows, on earth and in the sky.
Allah (God), who shapes human in the wombs as Allah pleases, give a lesson to all human to say, "There is no god, but Allah as a God of the universe. Allah is the Exalted in Might, and the Wise." Allah has revealed The Holy Qur'an to all human. Some of The Holy Qur'an verses are decisive, or "muhkamat" (Arabic) verses, which are the basis of The Holy Qur'an. For the other side, The Holy Qur'an also have allegorical verses, or "mutasyabihat" (Arabic) verses.
For those in whose hearts there is perversity, then they follow the part of it which allegorical, seeking to mislead, and seeking to give it their own interpretation. But none knows its interpretation, except Allah, who revealed the verses of The Holy Qur'an. But, for those who are firmly rooted in knowledge say, "We believe in allegorical verses. It is all from our God (Allah)".
The peoples who are firmly rooted in knowledge say, "Our God! Make not our hearts to deviate after You (God) has guided us aright, and grant us from the mercy from God side. Surely, You are the Most Giver. Our God! Surely, You will gathered all human on a day which there is no doubt. Surely, Allah will not fail promise" (Qur'an, 3:8-9).

Jumat, 06 November 2009


Akhir-akhir ini Bangsa Indonesia dirundung bencana. Pertama, bencana alam, seperti: tsunami, gempa, banjir, dan letusan gunung api. Kedua, bencana kemanusiaan, seperti: penyalahgunaan kekuasaan, arogansi, kesombongan, dan "sok pahlawan".
Menurut Allah SWT dalam QS.57:22 diketahui, bahwa bencana alam telah dituliskan dalam Kitab Lauhul Mahfuz, saat sebelum bencana alam terjadi. Dengan kata lain, bencana alam merupakan wujud skenario Allah SWT, dalam frame harmoni alam semesta.
Sebaliknya, bencana kemanusiaan telah lebih disebabkan oleh agresivitas manusia, dalam berbuat kerusakan di alam semesta. Allah SWT sesungguhnya melarang manusia melakukan tindakan, yang mengarah pada bencana. Hanya saja manusia seringkali lupa dengan hal tersebut.
Mereka (para pembuat kerusakan di bumi) mengetahui, bahwa meskipun hidupnya mewah tak berkekurangan, namun mereka gemar menyalahgunakan kekuasaan. Mereka juga seringkali menggunakan kewenangan sebagai dasar bertindak arogan, sombong , dan "sok pahlawan".
Oleh karena itu, Bangsa Indonesia harus bangkit dari tindak pencemaran. Bangsa Indonesia harus bangkit kembali meningkatkan ketaqwaan kepada Allah SWT.
Sudah saatnya mereka yang mengaku diri sebagai pahlawan, dianalisis lebih ketat, yaitu: Pertama, apakah benar mereka adalah pahlawan kebenaran? atau. Kedua, mereka hanyalah sekedar pahlawan kebetulan, yang menjadi pahlawan karena kebetulan semata.
Sudah saatnya Bangsa Indonesia menjadi bangsa yang ditaburi rahmat dan keberkahan dari Allah SWT, dengan hidup bertaqwa kepada Allah SWT, melalui penerapan nilai-nilai Islam. InsyaAllah...........

Rabu, 04 November 2009