Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009


God (Allah) said, "O mankind! God created you from a single soul, become male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly the most honored of you in God's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing and All-Aware" (Qur'an, 49:13).
About the wealth, many peoples know, that God who provided wealth to the person, made a portion of it for the poor, so the poor have a right over one's wealth. Love of wealth is natural, and it takes firm belief in God for a person to part with some of his wealth. The whole concept of wealth is considered in Islamic values as a gift from God. The true owner of things is not man, but God.
God said, "You who believe! Give of the good things which you have honourably earned, and the fruits of the earth, which God have produced for you" (Qur'an, 2:267).
In Islamic values, a person must give, provide, or supply the other people of the good things, which he have honourably earned. Giving charity to those who deserve it is part of moslems character. Giving charity is considered to purify one's heart of greed. It is an obligation for those who have received their wealth from God, to respond to those members of the community in need. Islamic values emphasizes feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and helping those who are need.
Moslem peoples in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine need help from the other moslems. They have oppressed by USA, NATO, and Israel military. God calls on those who obey God to stand up for the rights of the oppressed. Islamic fighters in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine want to protect and help the peoples from oppress by military of USA, NATO, and Israel.

Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009


Dalam beberapa minggu ini "Operasi Adu Domba" antara Indonesia dengan Malaysia relatif lebih gencar dari biasanya. Setelah oknum Tentara Diraja Malaysia dengan menggunakan kapal laut memprovokasi Tentara Nasional Indonesia, yang berada di perairan Blok Ambalat; kini giliran sebuah production house (swasta) Malaysia memproduksi dan mengedarkan sebuah iklan kunjungan wisata ke Malaysia, dengan menjadikan seolah-olah ikon budaya Indonesia (wayang kulit, batik, keris, dan tari pendet) adalah hasil karya Malaysia. Sesungguhnya "Operasi Adu Domba" ini telah berlangsung sejak tahun 2000, dalam bentuk beraneka-ragam kegiatan jahat.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil'alamiin, Pemerintah Indonesia dan Pemerintah Malaysia berhasil mengatasi "Operasi Adu Domba" ini dengan cerdas. Kedua pemerintahan selalu menyelesaikan ekses kegiatan jahat pihak ketiga ini, dengan cara-cara yang bermartabat, dan saling memartabatkan satu sama lain. Demikian pula Umat Islam atau muslim di kedua negara, selalu mensikapi kegiatan jahat (adu domba) ini dengan kepala dingin. Muslim Indonesia berupaya menahan diri, untuk tidak terlalu memojokkan Pemerintah Malaysia, yang sedang sibuk menghadang juru fitnah yang ada di Malaysia. Demikian pula halnya dengan Pemerintah Indonesia yang sedang melakukan hal yang sama di Indonesia.
Sesungguhnya Muslim Indonesia dan Muslim Malaysia mempunyai tujuan yang sama, yaitu beribadah kepada Allah SWT, dan rahmatan lil'alamiin. Ukhuwah Islamiah telah mengikat Muslim Indonesia dengan Muslim Malaysia, dengan mengubah sumber konflik menjadi sumber energi. Beberapa keluarga Muslim Malaysia mempekerjakan Muslim Indonesia di perusahaan dan/atau di dalam rumah mereka secara bermartabat. Sementara Muslim Indonesia sangat senang dapat bekerja di Malaysia, karena selain mendapat penghasilan yang memadai, mereka juga merasa senang karena dapat bekerja dengan saudara semuslimnya, yaitu Muslim Malaysia.
Fenomena ini tentu tidak menyenangkan pihak-pihak yang menginginkan Muslim Indonesia dengan Muslim Malaysia berperang. Tetapi Muslim Indonesia dan Muslim Malaysia tetap kompak.

Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009


God (Allah) said, "Praise be Allah, who created the heavens and the earth, and made the darkness and the light. Yet those who reject faith, hold others as equal with their God. He it is created you from clay, and then decreed a stated term for you, and there is in His presence another determined term. Yet you doubt within yourselves, and He is Allah, God of the heavens and the earth. He knows what you hide, and what you reveal, and He knows the recompense which you earn by your deeds" (Qur'an, 6:1-3).
One of the most important in Islamic values is, that God created humankind to be fully accountable for his actions. Each human being has certain rights and responsibilities, and no human being has the right to restrict the freedom of another. Anyone who dares to take away the God given rights inherent in Islam, including the right to human dignity, is called a wrongdoer or an oppressor. God calls on those who obey Him to stand up for the rights of the oppressed.
God said, "And why should you not fight in the cause of Allah and of the feeble among man, and of the women and the children who are crying, "Our Lord (Allah)! Rescue us on this town whose people are oppressors, and raise for us from Thee One (Allah) who will protect, and raise for us from Thee One who will help!" (Qur'an, 4:75).
In Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine this God said (Qur'an, 4:75) is very urgent. Based on this verse, Islamic fighters in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine want to protect and help the peoples who crying to God, from oppress by military of USA, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and Israel. Islamic fighters in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine have the process by which and individual's attitudes, belief, and behaviors are influenced by Islamic values. As a result, in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine, million peoples in the world can see Islamic civilization (as angel force) face to face with West civilization (as evil force).
Samuel P. Huntington (1992) said, that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will dominate global politics. The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future.
To support Samuel P. Huntington, Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon (2002) said, that Islamic discourse dominates societies, the airwaves, and thinking about the world. Islamic values have proliferated throughout the world. Bookstores are dominated by works with Islamic themes. The demand for sharia (Islamic law), the belief that Islam is the answer to all problems, and the fact that the West government hate Islam and moslem dominate public discussion.
Million peoples think that to live an Islamic life is a balanced way of living, and respect of human right. They know, that God created all the human with what is called a "fitrah" (the inherent behavior), which include to protect and help the people who are crying to God from oppressors. Million peoples know, that one day human shall die and return to God.
God said, "You desire the good of this world, but Allah desires for you the hereafter, and Allah is Almighty and All Wise (Qur'an, 8:67).

Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009


Pemerintah Barat yang terdiri dari Amerika Serikat, Israel, Inggris, Perancis, Australia, dan sekutu-sekutunya sejak tahun 1990 mengidap histeria terhadap Islam. Hal ini terjadi karena jumlah pemeluk Islam di Barat meningkat dengan pesat, hingga mencapai angka 20 - 30 % per tahun. Para mualaf ini terdiri dari generasi terdidik Barat, yang atas ridha Allah SWT mampu menggunakan akalnya untuk mengenali kebenaran nilai-nilai Islam.
Oleh karena itu, sejak tahun 1990 Pemerintah Barat menggelar "Operasi Fitnah" terhadap Islam, yang puncaknya berupa serangan terhadap World Trade Center di New York pada tahun 2001. Namun demikian, para peneliti Barat independen berhasil mengungkap kebohongan itu, dan menyebarkan temuan mereka melalui internet. Dengan kata lain, serangan terhadap World Trade Center di New York pada tahun 2001 merupakan bagian dari operasi fitnah yang dilancarkan Barat terhadap Islam, sebagai pintu masuk untuk menjajah Afghanistan, (tahun 2002) dan Iraq (tahun 2003), serta mendukung kedzaliman Pemerintah Israel terhadap Bangsa Palestina (sejak tahun 1948).
Histeria adalah rasa takut yang berlebihan terhadap sesuatu, yang berakibat pada ketiadan kemampuan para pengidapnya untuk mengendalikan pemikiran, sikap, dan perilaku mereka. Para pengidap histeria tidak lagi mampu mengendalikan pemikiran, sikap, dan perilakunya dalam batas normal atau wajar, karena mereka terlalu takut pada rasa takut yang telah sangat menakutkan mereka. Dengan demikian mereka bukan dirusak oleh sesuatu yang menakutkan, melainkan menjadi rusak oleh rasa takut yang dikonsumsi secara berlebihan.
Dalam konteks Pemerintah Barat, rasa takut itu demikian kuat, dikarenakan khawatir peradaban Barat di Barat akan tergusur oleh peradaban Islam, yang mulai diterapkan oleh generasi terdidik Barat yang telah memeluk Islam. Pemerintah Barat seakan menghadapi benturan peradaban, sebagaimana yang ditulis oleh Samuel P. Huntington dalam bukunya "The Clash of Civilizations: Remaking of World Order".
Dalam bukunya tersebut, Samuel P. Huntington menjelaskan bahwa peradaban Barat mendapat ancaman dari peradaban Cina dan Islam. Namun peradaban Islam lebih berat mengancam Barat karena meliputi segenap aspek kehidupan, bila dibandingkan dengan peradaban Cina yang hanya sebatas militer, ekonomi, dan budaya. Hanya saja ada kesalahan Samuel P. Huntington ketika menjelaskan ancaman peradaban Islam terhadap Barat, di mana ia menjelaskan seolah-olah ada ofensi dari peradaban Islam terhadap Barat. Padahal sesungguhnya, generasi terdidik Barat yang telah memeluk Islam, yang mengkonstruksi peradaban Islam di Barat dengan mempraktekkan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari.
Histeria Pemerintah Barat terhadap Islam selanjutnya diekspor ke negara-negara berkembang, yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam. Pemerintah Barat seakan-akan ingin menghancurkan peradaban Islam di basis keberadaannya. Sejak saat itu stigma negatif terhadap Islam bukan hanya berkembang di negara-negara Barat, melainkan juga berkembang di negara-negara berkembang yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam. Kerjasama antara Pemerintah Barat dengan pemerintah negara-negara berkembang, yang dikemas dalam kerjasama melawan terorisme, semakin menguatkan stigma negatif terhadap Islam. Belum lagi peran pers yang telah memihak Barat, semakin signifikan memberi stigma negatif terhadap Islam.
Namun demikian Umat Islam ternyata tidak histeris, ketika menghadapi histeria Pemerintah Barat, dan stigma negatif terhadap Islam. Umat Islam tetap istiqamah menjalankan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Bulan Suci Ramadhan tahun ini tetap meriah, dan disambut dengan sukacita oleh Umat Islam. Mereka memperbanyak pemikiran, sikap, dan perilaku yang mengarah pada perwujudan ibadah kepada Allah SWT dan rahmatan lil'alamiin.
Umat Islam mengerti, tentang janji Allah SWT bahwa Dialah yang akan menjaga substansi atau isi Al Qur'an hingga akhir zaman. Oleh karena substansi Al Qur'an adalah basis bagi nilai-nilai Islam, maka sesungguhnya Allah SWT juga akan menjaga nilai-nilai Islam hingga akhir zaman. Umat Islam tidak khawatir dengan operasi fitnah yang digelar Pemerintah Barat untuk meruntuhkan nilai-nilai Islam, karena Allah SWT juga telah meluncurkan skenario penjagaan nilai-nilai Islam hingga akhir zaman.
Umat Islam saat ini hanya ingin berkonsentrasi untuk menerapkan Rukun Iman dan Rukun Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sebagai bagian dari penegakan nilai-nilai Islam, yang bercirikan ibadah kepada Allah SWT dan rahmatan lil'alamiin.

Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009


Moslem have spoken greeting in Arabic "assallamu'alaikum" (peace be upon you). The term "salam" in Arabic means "peace". Greeting is usually accompanied by a kind of two handed "handshake".
"Salamun'alaikum", which similarly with "assallamu'alaikum", used in a passage of The Holy Qur'an describing the greeting of the angels towards the inhabitants of paradise.
"And angels shall enter unto them from every gate, saying, "Salamun'alaikum (peace be upon you) for you persevered in patience! Excellent indeed is the final home" (Qur'an 13:23-24).
In the world, peace commonly refers to an absence of agression, violence, and hostility, but which also represents a larger concept where in there are healthy and newly healed interpersonal and international relationships, and safety in matters of social and economic welfare.
Many different theories of peace exist in the world which involves conflict transformation, disarmament, and cessation of violence.
Peace is a state of balance and understanding in your self and between others, where a respect is gained by the acceptance of differences, tolerance persists, conflict are resolved through dialog, people's right are respected and their voices are heard, and everyone is at their highest point of serenity without social tension.
Peoples must educated a series of lessons about encounters that draw from people, includes their desire for peace, non violent alternatives for managing conflict, and skills for critical analysis of structural arrangements that produce and legitimate injustice and inequality.
The education is a series of teaching about care for others, a settled disposition and enhancing the confidence of the individual as an individual agent of peace, the consequences of war and social injustice, the value of peaceful and just social stuctures and working to uphold or develop such social structures, and leave the world and to imagine a peaceful future.
Peace built at different level what is called multi track diplomacy, that includes direct talks between the leaders of conflicting parties, and dialogue at lower level which often unofficially between groups and parties to discuss a violent conflict, as well as efforts to address the causes and impact of violence.
A rationale for peace might be located in virtue ethic. Moslem have called virtue ethic as "adab", which in the context of behavior refers prescribed etiquette of refinement, good manners, morals, decorum, decency, and humane.
In Islamic values: First, refinement is a small change that improves something, polite behavior and knowledge of social rules, and the process of making a substance pure.
Second, good is: (1) enjoyable, pleasent, or interesting; (2) a high quality or level; (3) successful, or able to do something well; (4) kind or helpful; (5) having a positive or useful effect; and (6) suitable or satisfactory.
Third, moral is relating to belief about what is right or wrong which the basic of Allah (God) said, and behaving in a way that Allah say is correct.
Fourth, decorum is behavior which considered to polite and correct.
Fifth, decency is behavior that is acceptable in society in the frame of Allah order to do something.
Sixth, humane is kind, especially toward peoples that are suffering.


Posisi manusia terhadap Allah SWT bersifat strukturatif atau atas bawah (dalam strata tak terhingga), di mana manusia merupakan hamba (makhluk ciptaan Allah SWT), sedangkan Allah SWT merupakan Tuhan bagi semesta alam, yaitu alam semesta dan alam akherat beserta segenap isinya. Sementara itu posisi manusia terhadap manusia lainnya bersifat cluster, equal, atau setara, di mana setiap manusia merupakan sama-sama makhluk ciptaan Allah SWT, dan sekaligus juga merupakan sama-sama hamba Allah SWT.
Dalam konteks posisi, manusia berada pada posisi yang didominasi oleh Allah SWT, karena segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan manusia tidak pernah luput dari kontrol atau kendali Allah SWT. Posisi hamba pada manusia, dan Tuhan pada Allah SWT merupakan posisi yang diumumkan oleh Allah SWT dalam sebuah "dokumen suci", yaitu Al Qur'an, tepatnya pada QS.96:1-5 dan QS.19:93. Oleh karena itu, setiap manusia terikat untuk melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya sebagai hamba Allah SWT, yaitu beribadah kepada Allah SWT (lihat QS.51:56), dan menjadi rahmatan lil'alamiin (lihat QS.21:107).
Allah SWT berfirman, "Bacalah dengan nama Tuhanmu (Allah) yang telah menciptakan. Dia menciptakan manusia dari segumpal darah. Bacalah, dan Tuhanmulah Yang Maha Pemurah, yang mengajari manusia dengan perantaraan kalam (firman). Dia mengajari manusia hal-hal yang belum diketahuinya" (QS.96:1-5).
Sementara itu, dalam QS.19:93 Allah SWT berfirman, "Tidak ada seorangpun di langit dan di bumi melainkan datang sebagai hamba kepada Yang Maha Pengasih (Allah)."

Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009


USA build state terrorism after World War Second. Vietnam War had prove its. As a result 150,000 USA troops was died, and a million troops was wound in Vietnam.
After Cold War, USA continues make implementation of state terrorism, like this: First, on October 7, 2001, USA and Australian forces initiated bombing campaigns. The main goals of the war to defeat the Taliban (Islamic Student Fighter), drive al-Qaeda (Islamic Fighter) out of Afghanistan, and capture key al-Qaeda leaders. Early 2003, the Taliban was regrouping, amassing new funds, and recruit. In 2006, the Taliban insurgency appeared larger, fiercer, and better organized. As a result 3,500 USA troops was died, and many thousand troops was wound in Afghanistan.
Second, the invasion of Iraq commenced on March 20, 2003 with bombing campaigns like in Afghanistan, and the Iraqi military quickly defeated. But USA and Allied Forces faced growing insurgency led Islamic groups. In 2005, Islamic groups insurgency appeared larger, fiercer, and better organized. As a result 21,500 USA troops was died, and many thousands troops was wound in Iraq. USA policies and strategy in Iraq had many critics, and pressed to set time table to withdraw troops from Iraq.
Afghanistan and Iraq War had prove, that the world need Islamic values to face state terrorism (made in USA). In Islamic values many country will be peace and just. People live in peace, and make them interactions in egalitarian. God (Allah) said, "Whoseover kills a human being without any reason like man slaughter, or corruption on earth. It is as though he had killed all mankind" (Qur'an 5:32).

Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009


Dalam satu hari ini, beberapa stasiun televisi memberitakan keberhasilan POLRI (Kepolisian Republik Indonesia), khususnya Detasemen Khusus 88 Anti Teror, dalam menangkap dan menembak mati teroris di Bekasi dan Temanggung. Oleh karena itu, Bangsa Indonesia selayaknya bersyukur kepada Allah SWT dan berterimakasih pada POLRI.
Satu hal yang patut difahami adalah, bahwa nilai-nilai Islam tidak mengajarkan terorisme. Nilai-nilai Islam mengajarkan dua hal, yaitu: Pertama, setiap manusia haruslah beribadah kepada Allah SWT. Kedua, setiap manusia haruslah dapat memberi manfaat bagi alam semesta.
Peperangan atau perlawanan bersenjata, barulah diijinkan bagi setiap muslim di suatu wilayah, hanya bila mereka diserang secara fisik (serangan bersenjata) sebagaimana yang terjadi di Palestina, Iraq, dan Afghanistan. Oleh karena itu, Bangsa Indonesia selayaknya mendukung perjuangan para pejuang muslim di Palestina, Iraq, dan Afghanistan.
Sudah selayaknya, Umat Islam Indonesia terus menerus meningkatkan ketaqwaan kepada Allah SWT. Jangan terkecoh dengan fitnah yang ditujukan kepada Umat Islam Indonesia. Nilai-nilai Islam merupakan nilai-nilai kebenaran, yang baik buat manusia, karena akan secara benar mampu memartabatkan manusia.
Alhamdulillahi rabbil'alamiin.
Terimakasih Kepolisian Republik Indonesia, semoga Allah SWT selalu berkenan memberi petunjuk dan hidayahNya kepada Kepolisian Republik Indonesia.
Wassallamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009


Mecca is the holiest meeting site of the Islamic religion. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) proclaimed "Islam" in this city. The other site, Medina is the second holiest city in Islam, and the burial place of The Prophet Muhammad.
Most moslems accept as a moslem anyone who has publicly pronounce, "I bear witness there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah (God), and I bear witness Muhammad is His (Allah) messenger." This mind set, make moslem thinkers pursued humanistic, rational, and scientific discourse in their search for knowledge, meaning, and values.
The earliest known treatises dealing with environmentalism, and environmental science were Islamic treatises written by al-Kindi, al-Razi, Ibn al-Jazzar, al-Tamimi, al-Masihi, Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Ali Ibn Ridwan, Abd al-Latif, and Ibn an-Nafis. The Islamic tradition witnessed a fundamental transformation in agricultural known, especially "the Islamic agricultural revolution" in Eighth Century. Moslem engineers also invented crankshaft and water turbines, employed gears in mills, and water raising machines, and pioneered the use of dams as a source of water power, used to provide additional power to watermills and water raising machines.
Now, many peoples know about a growing moslem identity, and a wish to assert that identity by many ways or style. The major point of contention are the different female forms of clothing.
In finance sector, moslem have Islamic bank. In Britain, the Islamic Bank of Britain opened its doors on 2004. Other countries which have Islamic banking institutions are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherland, Switzerland, and Ireland.

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009


Sejak awal Juli 2009, Pemerintah Israel yang dzalim dan yang telah merampok tanah Palestina untuk mendirikan Negara Dzalim Israel, telah melakukan program yang keji terhadap rakyat Palestina. Program tersebut berupa pengusiran rakyat Palestina dari setiap jengkal tanah, yang berhasil dirampok oleh Pemerintah Israel.
Dalam konteks kekinian, nampak bahwa sangat sulit menegakkan keadilan bagi rakyat Palestina yang ditindas dan didzalimi oleh Pemerintah Israel. Hal ini dikarenakan Pemerintah Israel mendapat dukungan kuat dari Komunitas Iblis Internasional (lihat QS.2:120), yaitu: Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Perancis, dan lain-lain.
Namun demikian Umat Islam hendaknya tidaklah berputus-asa, tetaplah berdoa, agar rakyat Palestina mampu menegakkan keadilan bagi diri mereka sendiri di Tanah Palestina, karena Allah SWT telah berfirman:
"Orang-orang kafir berkata berkata kepada Rasul-Rasul mereka, "Kami sungguh-sungguh akan mengusir kamu (para Rasul dan pengikutnya, termasuk pengikut Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, yaitu Bangsa Palestina) dari negeri kami (misal: Israel), atau kamu kembali kepada agama kami (misal: Yahudi)." Maka Allah mewahyukan kepada mereka (para Rasul, yang kemudian tercatat dalam Al Qur'an), "Kami (Allah) pasti akan membinasakan orang-orang yang dzalim itu (misal: Pemerintah Israel), dan Kami pasti akan menempatkan kamu (orang-orang saleh, misal: Palestina) di negeri-negeri itu, sesudah mereka (orang-orang kafir, misal: Pemerintah Israel). Yang demikian itu disampaikan sebagai penyemangat bagi orang-orang yang takut kepadaKu dan ancamanKu" (lihat QS.14:13-14).