Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009


Allah (God) always says to Israel peoples (include Israel government), to call them mind about Allah favor, which Allah bestowed on Israel peoples. Allah said, "And remember please, when Allah delivered you (Israel peoples) from Pharaoh, who subjected you to severe torment, to killing your sons, and sparing your women, and in this there was great trial from your God" (Qur'an, 2:49).
Qur'an 2:49 has evidenced, that Israel peoples must be remember Allah favor. So, they must be neglect the violence like Pharaoh. But in the real life now, Israel people think, attitude, and behavior similar with Pharaoh, who had never obey The Allah Command (The Holy Qur'an).
Look at Israel government action to Palestinian peoples. They (Israel Soldier) killed Palestinian people, to occupied Palestinian land, and build Israel State on Palestinian blood. Israel government action have many similar with Pharaoh action, and now, in modern era, Israel government action have many similar with Hitler and Nazi action.
In Pharaoh context, remember when Allah parted the sea for Israel peoples. Allah saved Israel peoples, and drowned the follower of Pharaoh, and Israel peoples watched by. But, now, Israel Soldier killed Palestinian peoples, to occupied Palestinian land.
Allah appointed a time of forty nights with The Prophet Moses (peace be upon him), then Israel peoples took the calf for a god after The Prophet Moses do, and Israel peoples were unjust. But, then Allah pardoned Israel peoples after that, so that they might give thanks. So, Allah gave The Prophet Moses "The Holy Torah", as the distinction that Israel peoples might walk aright. But now, Israel peoples was delete "The Holy Torah" from their think, attitude, and behavior. Now, Israel peoples useful "Talmud" (not from God) to construct their think, attitude, and behavior.
The Prophet Moses said to Israel peoples, "Hi Israel peoples! You have surely been unjust to yourselves by taking the calf for a god. Therefore turn to your God (Allah) penitently, so kill yourself. That is best for you with your God. So, Allah turned to you mercifully, for surely Allah is the Oft-returning to mercy, and the Merciful" (Qur'an, 2:54).
But, Israel peoples said, "Hi Moses! We will not believe in you, until we see Allah manifestly" (Qur'an, 2:55).

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009


Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009, di Jakarta berlangsung National Summit 2009, atau Temu Nasional 2009, yang dihadiri oleh para pemimpin nasional dari seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Tujuannya antara lain melakukan musyawarah, diskusi, atau kajian tentang peluang dan prospek kemajuan bangsa dan negara ke depan.
National Summit 2009 mengingatkan setiap muslim pada firman Allah SWT, sebagai berikut: "Dan jika kau tanyakan kepada mereka, "Siapa yang menciptakan langit dan bumi?" Tentulah mereka menjawab, "Allah." Katakanlah, "Terangkanlah kepadaku. Jika Allah hendak mendatangkan kemudharatan kepadaku. Apakah mereka yang kamu seru selain Allah, mampu menghilangkan kemudharatan yang hendak ditimpakan itu? Atau, jika Ia (Allah) menghendaki rahmat bagiku, dapatkah mereka menahan rahmatNya?" Jawablah, "Cukuplah Allah bagiku! Kepadanyalah menaruh percaya orang-orang yang bertawakal" (QS.39:38).
QS.39:38 ini sangat relevan dengan National Summit 2009, terutama jika para pemimpin nasional berkenan menggunakan arahan Allah SWT sebagai jawaban, yaitu kalimat: "Cukuplah Allah bagiku! KepadaNyalah menaruh percaya orang-orang yang bertawakal." Berbasis kalimat ini sebagai mindset, maka para pemimpin nasional didorong oleh Allah SWT, untuk semakin bersemangat dalam memajukan bangsa dan negara.
Para pemimpin nasional tentunya juga faham, bahwa setiap manusia memiliki dua tugas utama, yaitu: beribadah kepada Allah SWT (lihat QS.51:56), dan rahmatan lil'alamiin (lihat QS.21:107). Berdasarkan dua tugas utama ini, setiap manusia, terutama para pemimpin nasional, wajib memajukan bangsa dan negara dalam frame nilai-nilai Islam (nilai-nilai universal), yaitu terwujudnya bangsa yang berkualitas FAST (Fathonah, Amanah, Shiddiq, dan Tabligh) sehingga mampu mempraktekkan kehidupan bernegara yang TRANSHUME (TRANSenden, HUManis, dan Emansipatori).
Sudah saatnya para pemimpin nasional memperhatikan pula firman Allah SWT, "Hai orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah dan tabahlah. Pertahankanlah negeri, dan bertawakallah kepada Allah, supaya kamu berjaya" (QS.3:200). Dengan memperhatikan firman ini, selayaknya para pemimpin nasional terus berjuang, agar bangsa dan negara berjaya. Untuk itu, para pemimpin nasional harus beriman kepada Allah SWT, agar ia memiliki kesabaran dan ketabahan, ketika memajukan bangsa dan negara.
Para pemimpin nasional harus berani mengambil peran sebagai MUASIR (Mujahiddin, Uswatun hasanah, Assabiquunal awwalluun, SIrajan muniran, dan Rahmatan lil'alamiin), yang beraktivitas dalam koridor AIM-A2 (Aqidah, Ibadah, Muamallah, Adab, dan Akhlak). Dengan kata lain, para pemimpin nasional dituntut agar bersungguh-sungguh menjalankan perannya sebagai MUASIR dalam koridor AIM-A2, dengan memanfaatkan kualitas bangsa yang FAST, sehingga dapat mewujudkan kehidupan bernegara yang TRANSHUME.
Setelah berikhtiar secara optimal, para pemimpin nasional hendaknya memperhatikan firman Allah SWT, "Karena itu katakanlah, "Ya Tuhanku! Berilah ampun dan rahmat! Engkaulah (Allah) pemberi rahmat yang paling baik" (QS.23:118). Dengan kata lain, setelah bekerja keras, maka para pemimpin nasional hendaknya berdoa kepada Allah SWT, untuk memohon ampunan dan rahmat dari Allah SWT.
Adalah logis (rasional), ketika para pemimpin nasional memohon ampunan dan rahmat dari Allah SWT. Hal ini dikarenakan, walaupun mereka telah bersungguh-sungguh mencermati kebijakan yang ditetapkannya, boleh jadi kebijakannya tidaklah tepat, sehingga mereka harus memohon ampunan dari Allah SWT. Selanjutnya, sekalipun kebijakannya tidaklah tepat, namun dengan rahmat dari Allah SWT ternyata bangsa dan negara masih dapat memperoleh keuntungan secara optimal.
Akhirnya, seluruh uraian artikel ini menunjukkan, bahwa para pemimpin nasional wajib mengusai nilai-nilai Islam. Mereka wajib menguasai ilmu Islam, karena Rasulullah Muhammad SAW pernah menjelaskan, bahwa amalan tanpa ilmu (Islam) akan tertolak. Pandangan ini kemudian dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut, bahwa sejujur apapun para pemimpin nasional, namun bila tidak berbasis pada nilai-nilai Islam (ilmu Islam), maka kejujurannya hanya akan berisi kebohongan. Hanya nilai-nilai Islam yang bersubstansi kebenaran, karena ia dari Allah SWT (melalui Al Qur'an), dan diajarkan kepada manusia oleh Rasulullah Muhammad SAW (melalui Al Hadist).

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009


  • God said, "And why should you not fight in the cause of Allah and of the feeble among man, and of the women and the children who are crying, "Our Lord (Allah)! Rescue us on this town whose people are oppressors, and raise for us from Thee One (Allah) who will protect, and raise for us from Thee One who will help!" (Qur'an, 4:75).
  • In Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine this God said (Qur'an, 4:75) is very urgent. Based on this verse, Islamic fighters in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine want to protect and help the peoples who crying to God, from oppress by military of USA, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and Israel. Islamic fighters in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine have the process by which and individual's attitudes, belief, and behaviors are influenced by Islamic values. As a result, in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine, million peoples in the world can see Islamic civilization (as angel force) face to face with West civilization (as evil force).
  • Samuel P. Huntington (1992) said, that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will dominate global politics. The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future.
  • To support Samuel P. Huntington, Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon (2002) said, that Islamic discourse dominates societies, the airwaves, and thinking about the world. Islamic values have proliferated throughout the world. Bookstores are dominated by works with Islamic themes. The demand for sharia (Islamic law), the belief that Islam is the answer to all problems, and the fact that the West government hate Islam and moslem dominate public discussion.
  • Million peoples think that to live an Islamic life is a balanced way of living, and respect of human right. They know, that God created all the human with what is called a "fitrah" (the inherent behavior), which include to protect and help the people who are crying to God from oppressors. Million peoples know, that one day human shall die and return to God.
    God said, "You desire the good of this world, but Allah desires for you the hereafter, and Allah is Almighty and All Wise" (Qur'an, 8:67).
  • God (Allah) said too, "O mankind! God created you from a single soul, become male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly the most honored of you in God's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing and All-Aware" (Qur'an, 49:13).
  • In the wealth context, many peoples know, that God who provided wealth to the person, made a portion of it for the poor, so the poor have a right over one's wealth. Love of wealth is natural, and it takes firm belief in God for a person to part with some of his wealth. The whole concept of wealth is considered in Islamic values as a gift from God. The true owner of things is not man, but God.
  • God said, "You who believe! Give of the good things which you have honourably earned, and the fruits of the earth, which God have produced for you" (Qur'an, 2:267).
  • In Islamic values, a person must give, provide, or supply the other people of the good things, which he have honourably earned. Giving charity to those who deserve it is part of moslems character. Giving charity is considered to purify one's heart of greed. It is an obligation for those who have received their wealth from God, to respond to those members of the community in need. Islamic values emphasizes feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and helping those who are need.
  • Moslem peoples in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine need help from the other moslems. They have oppressed by USA, NATO, and Israel military. God calls on those who obey God to stand up for the rights of the oppressed. Islamic fighters in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine want to protect and help the peoples from oppress by military of USA, NATO, and Israel.

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009


Di antara sekian banyak umat manusia di seluruh dunia, maka umat Islam merupakan sebuah komunitas kebaikan dan kebenaran. Ukuran kebaikan dan kebenarannya tidaklah ditetapkan oleh manusia melainkan oleh Allah SWT, melalui ukuran-ukuran yang tertuang dalam Al Qur'an (Himpunan Firman Allah SWT).
Dalam konteks kekinian, Bangsa Indonesia beberapa hari yang lalu telah memiliki kabinet baru, yaitu "Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu II", yang di antara menterinya terdapat beberapa menteri yang beragama Islam. Oleh karena itu, para menteri yang beragama Islam ini hendaknya dapat menunjukkan kualitas sebagai anggota dari komunitas muslim, yang merupakan komunitas kebaikan dan kebenaran.
Sesuai dengan kualitas komunitas, dan nilai-nilai Islam yang menjadi substansi komunitas, maka harus ada keinginan para menteri tersebut untuk konsisten, pada nilai-nilai Islam, dengan bertahan dan terus menerus memupuk nilai-nilai Islam, yang terdiri dari aqidah, ibadah, muamallah, adab, dan akhlak. Wujud konkritnya berupa upaya: (1) menyeru kebaikan dan kebenaran, serta (2) melarang orang lain melakukan kemunkaran.
Tujuan dari upaya ini adalah agar Bangsa Indonesia berhasil mencapai kejayaan, sebagaimana firman Allah SWT, sebagai berikut, "Dan hendaklah ada di antara kamu, suatu umat yang menyeru berbuat kebaikan, serta menyuruh orang melakukan yang benar, dan melarang yang munkar. Merekalah orang yang mencapai kejayaan" (QS.3:104).
Para menteri ini hendaknya mengingatkan banyak pihak, bahwa sesungguhnya Allah SWT Maha Menyayangi hambanya. Oleh karena itu, jika terjadi kebaikan bagi seseorang, maka hal itu tentulah berasal dari Allah SWT. Hal ini disitir Allah SWT, dengan menyatakan, "Apapun kebaikan yang terjadi padamu asalnya dari Allah. Dan apapun yang buruk menimpamu asalnya dari dirimu sendiri" (QS.4:79).
Selain bercerita tentang kebaikan, QS. 4:79 memperlihatkan adanya penjelasan, bahwa keburukan yang menimpa manusia tentulah berasal dari dirinya sendiri. Kekeliruan dalam berpikir, bersikap, dan berperilaku telah mengakibatkan manusia menghadapi banyak masalah. termasuk dalam hal ini ketidak-mampuan merespon masalah (misal bencana alam) secara proporsional, seringkali hanya menimbulkan masalah baru.
Kebaikan dan kebenaran seringkali harus dikonstruksi secara cerdas, agar tidak terjebak dalam paradigma antroposentris, yang menganggap segala sesuatu buatan manusia memiliki status terpuji. Sudah saatnya kemajuan yang diperoleh, disadari sebagai hasil dari adanya kritik. Saat itulah manusia memiliki kesempatan untuk memberikan kontribusi optimal, sebagai bakti kepada Allah SWT dan rahmatan lil'alamiin.
Dengan demikian dinamika masyarakat tidak akan disikapi secara tidak acuh, melainkan justru harus disambungkan dengan semangat konsistensi yang proporsional. Sudah saatnya para menteri memahami firman Allah SWT, sebagai berikut: "Dijadikan indah nampaknya bagi manusia, kecintaan pada segala sesuatu yang diinginkan, seperti: wanita, anak-anak mereka, emas dan perak, harta benda yang bertumpuk-tumpuk, kuda-kuda pilihan, binatang ternak, serta tanah untuk bercocok tanam. Itulah harta benda hidup di dunia. Tetapi pada sisi Allah-lah seindah-indah tempat kembali" (QS.3:14).

Senin, 19 Oktober 2009


Allah (God) said, "Hi Israel peoples! Call to mind My favor which I bestowed on you, and be faithful to your covenant with Me. I will fulfill My covenant with you. Me alone should you be afraid. Believe in what I have revealed (The Holy Qur'an), that verifying which is with you (The Holy Torah), and be not the first to deny God (Allah), neither take a mean price in exchange for My guidance (The Holy Qur'an). Me alone should you be afraid" (Qur'an, 2:40-41).
Allah give warning statement to Israel peoples (include Israel government) to do not mix up the truth with the falsehood, nor hide the truth while they know it. This warning statement confirm Israel government lies about holocaust, or "holocaust lies". When Jewish and Israel government talk about holocaust in NAZI era, or World War Second in 1939 - 1945, indeed that is not true, not truth, or not right. Holocaust is only story as an argument to occupied the Palestinians land, and oppressed the Palestinian peoples.
Although, NAZI and its activities organized by Germany peoples (Hitler and his allied), not by Palestinian people (moslem peoples). In World War Second, knows that 6 million Jewish peoples has died, but 54 millions non Jewish peoples has died. Like in Nazi era, now in the Palestinians land, Palestinian peoples are arrested, kept for months or even years in Israeli prison, by Israeli Occupation Soldiers.
The present humanitarian disaster in Palestinians land would be deepened by the ongoing Israeli blockade on fuel, and food supplies. The Palestinians peoples could not go from this situation, and they have deep poverty, disease, and malnutrition.
In Jewish settlements and around the West Bank town of Hebron, Jewish settlers were seen dancing in an apparent expression of joy over the tragedy in Gaza Strip. Jewish settler in Hebron wielding automatic rifles attacked Palestinians and vandalized their property, in full view of Israeli Occuption Soldiers, and who looked on passively. Jewish settler and Israelis are bunch of criminals, who are committing all sorts of crimes against humanity.
In Palestinian land, innocent civilian of Palestinians were dying by Israeli attack. Bakeries were stopping making bread, and the hospitals were cold as electricity generators stopped due to fuel shortages. Yet, USA government, under the influence of Jewish lobby, always veto an UN Security Council condemning such crimes.
So, Allah command to Israel peoples to accept the Islamic values. They must keep up prayer, and pay the poor-rate, and bow down with moslems who bow down. Allah ask in warning sounds to Israel peoples, cause they enjoin men to be good, and neglect them own souls, while they read The Holy Torah.
Allah command to Israel peoples to seek assistance through patience and prayer in Islamic values. Most surely it is a hard thing, except for the humble ones, that is the human who accept the Islamic values, and who know that they shall meet their God (Allah), and that they shall return to Allah.
Allah said, "Hi Israel peoples! Call to mind My favor which I bestowed on you, and that I made you excel the nations. But be on your guard against a day, when one soul shall not avail another in the least, neither shall intercession on its behalf be accepted, nor shall any compensation be taken from it, nor shall you be helped" (Qur'an, 2:47-48).

Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009


Allah SWT berfirman, "Dan orang-orang yang apabila menginfaqkan harta, mereka tidak berlebihan, namun tidak pula kikir, melainkan di antara keduanya secara wajar" (QS.25:67).
Firman Allah SWT ini mengingatkan manusia tentang manajemen harta. Tentu saja sebagai manusia, setiap manusia wajib memanaje (mengelola) harta dengan baik. Pemahaman ini penting, karena tak ada seorang manusiapun yang dapat memastikan harta yang diperolehnya. Sesungguhnya hanya Allah SWT yang memastikan harta bagi setiap manusia.
QS.25:67 menekankan manajemen harta pada sisi proporsionalitas, yang dalam terminologi Al Qur'an disebut "wajar". Proporsionalitas mendorong setiap manusia yang memanaje harta, untuk memperhatikan efektivitas (pengutamaan dampak sebesar-besarnya), dan efisien (pengutamaan maksimalisasi hasil per satuan usaha).
Oleh karena itu, setiap manusia wajib membuat perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengendalian, dan evaluasi pengelolaan harta yang dimilikinya. Dalam format proporsionalitas, harta dimanaje dengan memperhatikan koridor aqidah (keimanan Islami), koridor ibadah (format berbakti kepada Allah SWT), koridor muamallah (tata interaksi sosial Islami), koridor adab (tata kesopanan dan etika Islami), dan koridor akhlak (format ekspresi manusia, sebagai konsekuensi manusia yang beraqidah, beribadah, bermuamallah, beradab, dan berakhlak).

Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009


Allah (God) said, "Remember please, when your God (Allah) said to the angels, "I am going to place in the earth a khalif (a man as a leader)." And they (angels) asked, "Why will You (Allah) place in earth, such as shall make mischief in it, and shed blood? While we celebrate the praise and extol the holiness." Allah said, "Surely I know what you do not know" (Qur'an, 2:30).
To make evidence of His statement, Allah taught Adam (peace be upon him) all the names, then presented them to the angels. Allah said to the angels, "Tell Me the names of those, if you are right." The names is a symbol of knowledge (science), which had absorbed in the reason of human. So the angels said, "Glory be to You (Allah)! We have no knowledge, but that which You has taught us. Surely You art the Knowing, and the Wise."
Then, Allah said, "Hi Adam! Inform them of their names." So, when Adam had informed them of their names, Allah said again, "Did I not say to you, that I surely know what is the secret of the heaven and the earth, and that I know what you manifest, and what you hide!" Then, Allah said to the angels, "Make obeisance to Adam!" So they (the angels) did obeisance. But Iblis (Satan, Evil, or Devil) did it not. Iblis refused, because he was proud. Then Iblis was one of the unbelievers.
Allah said to Adam, "Hi Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the garden (heaven), and eat from it a plenteous food wherever you wish, and do not approach this "tree", which you will not be obey My command." When Iblis knows about Allah command to Adam, Iblis made Adam and his wife (Adams wife) not obey Allah command, and caused them (Adam and his wife) to depart from heaven in which they were. Allah said, "Get forth, some of you (human) being the enemies of others, and there is for you in the earth, an abode and a provision for a time!" Then Adam received some words to hope forgiveness from Allah, so Allah turned to him mercifully.
Allah said, "Go forth from heaven all (Adam, his wife, and Iblis)! So surely there will come to you a guidance from Me. Then whoever follows My guidance, no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve. And those who disbelieve in, and reject My guidance, they are the inmates of the hell, in it they shall abide."
In now context, a guidance from Allah is the Islamic values, which based on The Holy Qur'an. So, who disbelieve the Islamic values, and reject The Holy Qur'an, they are the inmates of the hell, in it they shall abide.

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009


Setiap manusia, baik muslim maupun non muslim sesungguhnya sedang menyongsong kematian. Suka atau tidak suka, hari-hari yang dilaluinya justru mengarah pada kematian. Ia dapat mengalami kematian kapan saja, dan dengan cara apa saja. Apapun prosedur yang ditempuhnya, ia sedang memproses dirinya menuju kematian. Allah SWT adalah penentu waktu dan cara kematian setiap manusia.
Setelah kematiannya, maka manusia yang bersangkutan akan dimintai pertanggung-jawaban atas semua pemikiran, sikap, dan perilakunya ketika masih hidup. Mereka yang tidak mengakui Allah SWT sebagai Tuhan, tentu saja akan terkejut, tetapi semua itu terlambat, karena ia harus segera mempertanggung-jawabkan pemikiran, sikap, dan perilakunya kepada Allah SWT. Saat itu, suasananya tentu sangat mendebarkan dan dramatis.
Imam Al-Ghazali pernah mengingatkan, "Akherat mendekat, dan dunia akan segera berlalu. Perjalanan masih panjang, namun bekal sangat kurang, dan "bahaya" semakin besar." Oleh karena kepongahan seorang manusia, ia seringkali melupakan kematian, seolah-olah kematian hanya untuk orang lain. Seolah-olah kematian hanya tayangan di televisi, berita di radio, atau sekedar tulisan di surat kabar harian.
Para pecinta dunia, seringkali melupakan akherat. Para pecinta dunia, seringkali mengabaikan kematian. Para pecinta dunia, seringkali meremehkan nilai-nilai Islam. Mereka hidup untuk memperebutkan dunia, dan dengan berbagai cara haram (tidak halal) mereka berupaya mendapatkannya. Mereka terkejut, karena ketika dunia didapatkan, berupa harta, pangkat, jabatan, dan segenap asesorinya, ternyata ia berada pada track menyongsong kematian. Ketika ia sadar, ia telah terlambat, kematian telah datang menjemput.
Rasulullah Muhammad SAW pernah mengingatkan, "Banyak-banyaklah mengingat mati, sebab mengingat mati itu akan mengurangi kecintaan seseorang terhadap dunia" (HR. Anas RA).

Senin, 05 Oktober 2009


Allah (God) said, "Hi men (human)! Serve your God (Allah), who created you and those before you, so that you may have the righteousness" (Qur'an, 2:21).
Allah has created the earth, as a resting place for human, and the sky as canopy. Allah also sends down rain from the cloud, then brings for with it subsistence for you of the fruits. Therefore do not set up rivals to Allah while you know. So for that, read The Holy Qur'an, or learn the Islamic values please.
If some peoples are in doubt to The Holy Qur'an, which Allah have revealed to Allah servant (The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him), then Allah challenge them to produce a chapter like it in similar quality, and then call on them witnesses. But, if they do it not, and never shall they do it, then be on them guard against the punishment by Allah.
Convey good news to the peoples who believe, and do good deeds as implementation of the Islamic values, that they shall have heaven. In heaven, whenever they shall be given a portion of them needs. They shall understand, "This is what was given to us before." They shall be given them needs by Allah.
Surely Allah is not ashamed to set forth any parable that of a gnat or anything above that. For the peoples who believe, they know that it is the truth from their God (Allah). They know that The Holy Qur'an is the truth from their God, and they also know that the Islamic values is the truth from their God.
For the peoples who disbelieve, they always say, "What is it that Allah means by this parable." Allah causes many to err by it, and many leads a right by it. But Allah does not cause to err by it, except the transgressors.
The transgressor is any peoples who break the covenant of Allah (the Islamic values), after its confirmation, and cut asunder what Allah has ordered to be joined, and make mischief in the land. This fact can be the evidence, that transgressors are the losers.
Many peoples life in fool, when they do deny Allah. They never understand, that they were dead, and Allah gave they life. Allah will cause they to die, and again bring they to life, then they shall be brought back to Allah, who created for you all that is in the earth. So that, implement the Islamic values please....

Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009


Sejak tahun 2004 hingga saat ini (Oktober 2009), Bangsa Indonesia didera oleh berbagai bencana yang bertubi-tubi. Mulai dari Tsunami Aceh (2004), Gempa Yogya (2006), hingga Gempa Sumatera Barat (2009), keseluruhannya tentulah menghadirkan simpati kepada mereka yang tertimpa bencana. Namun selain itu, kesemuanya tentulah juga menjadi pelajaran bagi segenap Bangsa Indonesia, tentang pentingnya menjadi bangsa yang bertaqwa kepada Allah SWT, yaitu bangsa yang berkenan mempraktekkan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Allah SWT berfirman, "Hai sekalian manusia, sungguh telah datang kepadamu pelajaran dari Tuhanmu (Allah), sebagai penyembuh penyakit yang ada di dalam dada, serta petunjuk, dan rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman" (QS.10:57).
Istilah "penyakit dalam dada" dalam QS.10:57 ini dapatlah dimaknai sebagai "Berbagai kesalahan pemikiran dan persepsi manusia tentang sesuatu, yang kemudian menyesatkannya, hingga terasa sesak dadanya, karena sulit bernafas dengan baik, disebabkan banyaknya persoalan yang tak pernah terselesaikan."
Oleh karena itu, Bangsa Indonesia harus terus menerus mempelajari konsepsi kehidupan yang diajarkan oleh Allah SWT. Selanjutnya, agar konsepsi tersebut mudah diterapkan, maka sebagian dari Bangsa Indonesia perlu mengkaji prospek penerapan terintegrasi konsepsi kehidupan tersebut, lalu menyampaikannya dengan jujur kepada segenap Bangsa Indonesia. Dengan metode ini, maka Bangsa Indonesia dapat dikenali sebagai bangsa yang mampu "Belajar Dari Bencana". InsyaAllah....